Down the Rabbit Hole We Go

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After the whole rain of acorns fiasco, I managed to get Jason away from those deadly squirrels with those tiny pointy teeth and devilish eyes.

I sat him in a log and inspected his foot, it looks like it was sprained, but luckily he didn't break it.

"Hey, um thanks for getting me out of that." Jason told me.

"Yeah no problem, but we should probably do something about your foot since it's getting dark, and I think Lelin and Phillip are probably too distracted to notice we aren't following behind them." I said.


"Where is Lisa?!" Phillip screamed panicked, looking around, and dropping to the floor into a fetal position rollling himself.

"Calm down Phillip, I'm sure she is just with Jason, you know taking a stroll both of them, alone in the woods." Lelin said trying to calm Phillip.

Phillip just stared at her.

"Oh wait now that I think about it that would be bad, very bad. Nonetheless I think they can take care of themselves. How about we continue our date?" Lelin asked.

"Right...." Phillip looked off into the distance. "Maybe they already went back?" He asked.

"Could be." Lelin said with a doubtful face.


"Alright we need to get out of here before nightfall, so maybe we could make a splinter for my foot and I don't slow us down." Jason told me.

"Yes! That's a great idea," I told him, but then I remembered that I don't know how to make one, but luckily for me Jason is kind of like a doctor, "and you should tell me how to do it since I don't know. Also you should avoid moving your foot to much, we don't want it to become worse now do we?" I asked.

Jason just laughed, that melodic sound, it's so dreamy! Even though he's in pain he doesn't show it. Wait, what am I thinking? Okay focus Lisa, you need to get yourself and Jason out of here, do feelings aside let's get to work.

After 10 minutes....

"Finally. Done!" I said happily looking at my work. "How does it look, or rather is it okay?" I questioned nervously not really sure if I did it okay.

"Yes. I think I'll manage." Jason just looked at me with a forced smile.

"Come now. Get up." I said gesturing to my hand so he would take it and he did. I then proceeded to put his arm over my shoulder, so he could lean on me. 

We started walking to where we thought there was an exit, or that we could at least know in what part of the woods we were. Night was coming quickly and I was afraid because we were so not prepared for this, we only packed to stay for a few hours, but I'm sure that with my nonexistent camping skills we could make it. 

Jason shouted, "Look! There appears to be something glowing over there. I think it may be a campfire!" He was so excited, he looked ready to run over there. Sadly we only met with more trees, I was about to give up. Then Jason said, "I don't remember this being here or ever seeing it." He had a troubled look on his face, when I looked to see to what he was referring to, I was shocked to say the least.

"What is that?" I asked turning to him.

"I don't know, but the glow seems to be coming from here. We could stay the night cause I don't think we'll find a better place until morning, it's also starting to get cold and I need to rest." Jason said as a matter of fact.

I reluctantly agreed and into the strange monument we went.


Thanks to everyone who is reading this I really appreciate it. Please leave a comment or vote, constructive criticism is welcomed! Thanks to @luisita12345  for all her help and support.


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