Chapter 3

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"What the hell do you mean, 'me'?" Mom screams at me, you could see her brain exploding through her face. She still had her hair curlers wrapped in her hair, a fluffy lilac dressing gown consuming her.
My voice left my body, I didn't know what to say to her. How do I explain this? This is so different then I imagined it.

"I'm....I'm a boy" I choke out, a single tear running down my cheek.

Her face softened, but she didn't look happy, she looked disappointed. A few seconds of silence passed, I was too afraid to break it, and I wouldn't know what to say anyway.

"I think you better stay with a friend for a couple days" She mutters, tears spilling out and soaking her face. Her words hit me like a bullet. She's kicking me out? How could she do this to me? My own mother?

I rush past her, not caring when I bump her shoulder, looking down at the ground. I don't want her to see me cry. I speed-walk into my bedroom and start searching through my wardrobe. I throw everything out of my way, the pink floral and the frills covering it that she bought me, and then i find it.Buried at the very bottom, my little black book. 

I know, who has a little black book anymore? But phones break, this book, with its hard leather cover, while worn, was solid. 

I sit in the middle of the mess on my bedroom floor, and look through the pages. there was very few that had any writing, except for a page of Andy rebounds. I go to the very last page, I still remember the day i wrote this. You can still see tear marks on the pages, the ink smudged by them. I wrote this the day after we separated, I hated him for leaving, but I couldn't block him out all together. 

Here it was, Andy's number. I knew he'd probably changed numbers since then,  but i also had his private facebook, and I figured that was a little more reliable. I grabbed my phone and shakily typed his name into facebook the second it loaded.  He was so worried about stalkers finding his private account, he even made it under a pseudonym. Ever since a girl followed him home after one of his first gigs, he's been worried. 

The searches load, and its there. He still has it up. I can't help smiling a little just seeing it.

I search through everything I can, I even take the time to look through his pictures,  ignoring the fluttering my heart does at every picture. Theres a phone number in his 'about' section I've never seen before, this must be it!

I punch in the numbers, my heart racing. I try and compose myself, breathing deeply, squeezing my eyes shut, stopping the tears from rolling. 

My hands are shaking as my finger hovers over the green 'call' symbol. I press it, but the nerves get the best of me and I instantly press 'end call'.

"Come on Jason, you can do this" I mutter and press call once more. I place the phone next to my ear, every ring making my heart beat faster. 

"Hello?" A familiar deep voice echos through the phone. My breath stops. "Hello?" He repeats. "H-Hi, Andy" I stutter 

"Who is this? Oh god please don't say a stalker got my number" He replies. I can't help but giggle a little "Alice?" He asks. My heart skips a beat. He knew it was me just from my laugh?  I'm in shock...

"Yeah, its me" I whisper into the phone "Wow...I can't believe it. I..I've missed you, Al" 

This feels like a dream, I'm on cloud nine, I completely forget whats just happened, I just sink into his voice. "I missed you too, Andy" I mumble shyly, a smile across my face. 

"Are you alright? Why did you suddenly call? Do you need me?" He asks, clearly concerned. 

I tear up a little, my emotions bubbling over. "Yes..I need you" I choke out.

"Where are you? I'll come get you" he says as I hear keys jingle in the background.
"No, it's okay, I'm gonna be at your show tonight. I can meet you after" I smile, blushing, even though he cant see me.
"You were coming to my show?" He responds, I can almost hear the smirk.
"That's what I said" I joke back. Somehow everything else doesn't even matter now. I'm so consumed in him, I completely forget the reason I'm calling him.
"Okay, I'll let security know to expect you. Are you sure I can't pick you up?" He asks. As sweet as it is, I can't ask him to detour all that way just to pick me up, when I'm sure he needs that time to get ready.
"I'm sure, I'll see you after" I tell him, still beaming. "Okay, and Ally? I really missed you" he says, his voice lowered a little. "I missed you too" I respond before hanging up. I sit for a minute, processing what just happened, a big smile across my face.
Now I just need to figure out what to do for a few hours...

Bulletproof and Vulnerable. An Andy Biersack Love Story (Ftmxboy)Where stories live. Discover now