Chapter 6

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Jason's POV

I open my eyes slowly, have I been asleep?
A giant yawn suddenly overtakes me, I guess I have.
It's dark, but I can see light peaking out from behind some curtains on the furthest wall.
Where am I? The last I remember I was in Andy's car.
I feel around and find my phone in my pocket, the bright screen burns my eyes, but after I adjust I see the time is 10 am.

Time to figure out where I am. I'm obviously in a bed, but who's? How did I get here? Did Andy...carry me?

I get up and carefully make my way over to the window, praying I don't knock a picture or do something equally as clumsy, probably looking like a newborn deer as I go.
I open the curtains, practically blinding myself. I turn around and rub my eyes, trying to get used to seeing again.
The walls around me are off-white, the carpet dull grey, and the bed I was asleep on is covered in black. My eyes scan the large room, there's Black Veil Brides memorabilia scattered all around, a large closet, with its door ajar, awards organised neatly on shelves, a desk near me with messy papers that were clearly once a neat pile, and an acoustic guitar lying next to said desk. The entire room was disorganized, Andy never was very good at cleaning.

There's a knock on the bedroom door, I quickly sit where I woke up moments ago. "Hello?" I call out, the door slowly opens. Andy pops his head around the door, before smiling and stepping inside. "Hey sleepy head" he greets me, a large grin on his face.
He walks to the bed and sits near me. "You fell asleep in the car, I thought I'd just let you sleep"
Butterflies rush through me as he is clearly still as caring as he used to be.
"Is this your room?" I ask, still taking in my surroundings. "Yeah" he says with a blush "the bed wasn't made up in the spare room, I hope you don't mind" he continues "but you can stay in there tonight obviously, or..yknow wherever" his cheeks flush red as he talks, and he looks down at the ground.
I can't help but smile at him, it's clear he tries to be confident and outgoing, but he's still the shy kid I know.

"I've missed you" I whisper, looking up at him through my eyelashes. "I've missed you too, Aly" he smiles. It strikes like a bullet, when I realise i haven't told him yet.
"Andy, I need to tell you something.." I mumble, staring down at my knees. "What is it?" He asks, his tone clearly worried. "I..." I trail off, I don't know how to say it, should I even say it? No, he needs to know. "Andy I'm.." I'm interrupted by shouting downstairs.
"Andy where are you man?" A man shouts. He looks at me and rolls his eyes, a playful smile on his lips. "That's Jake. Do you wanna come meet him?" He asks.
"I look awful though!" I say furiously smoothing down my hair, taking a second to admire the length once more.
"You look beautiful! I mean, you look good, you look great" he fumbles his words and stands up, obviously flushed. 
He grabs my hand softly, and leads me off the bed.
I feel my heart skip a beat at his words, and allow him to lead me outside his room, feeling like I'm floating on air.

Bulletproof and Vulnerable. An Andy Biersack Love Story (Ftmxboy)Where stories live. Discover now