Chapter 4

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Andy's POV

The whole bands sat down, talking and joking while waiting for the stage to be set up for sound rehearsals.
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I take it out. There's a number I don't recognize calling me. I excuse myself and walk off a little so I can answer in peace. I press answer and ask "hello?" But I hear nothing. "Hello?" I repeat, getting nervous this is somebody who shouldn't have my number. "H-Hi Andy" a small voice tells me. I vaguely recognize it, but I can't put a face to it. "Who is this? Oh god please don't say a stalker got my number" I spout out while stressfully rubbing my eyes.
I hear a little giggle on the other side. I would recognize that laugh anywhere, but it can't be... "Alice?" I ask, my stomach dropping.

"Yeah, its me" She whispers, sounding upset.
"Wow...I can't believe it. I..I've missed you, Al" I blurt out in shock. I never expected to hear from her again, especially after how much of a dick I'd been.

"I missed you too, Andy" She says, her voice quiet. I can hear her sniffling a little. Is she crying?

"Are you alright? Why did you suddenly call? Do you need me?" I ask, worried.

She's quiet for a few seconds, before uttering out "Yes..I need you"

"Where are you? I'll come get you" I say grabbing my keys off the table. The guys shoot me weird looks. I know I'd barely have enough time to get to her and get back in time for the show, but she was worth breaking a couple speed limits for.

"No, it's okay, I'm gonna be at your show tonight. I can meet you after" I start blushing, putting my keys back on the table and walking away again.
"You were coming to my show?" I say while grinning
"That's what I said" she jokes to me, making my heart flutter.

"Okay, I'll let security know to expect you. Are you sure I can't pick you up?" I ask, just wanting to see her as soon as possible.
"I'm sure, I'll see you after" She tells me. "Okay, and Ally? I really missed you" I say, looking over at the guys and lowing my voice a little to make sure they don't hear. I know I would get the shit ripped out of me.
"I missed you too" she says back, she really sounds like she means it. My stomach is doing backflips as she hangs up. I instantly save her number in my phone, grinning the whole time.
I walk back to the guys, sitting next to Jake. Still smiling to myself. "Who was that?" Cc asks "that was a girl wasn't it? Look at his face" he laughs.
I look down but I'm already blushing
"It was my...friend"

Bulletproof and Vulnerable. An Andy Biersack Love Story (Ftmxboy)Where stories live. Discover now