Chapter 10

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Andy's POV

Where is he? Where has he gone? I don't think he even knows this city. But he's packed up his stuff and left. I run down my stairs and jump back into my car. I get my phone out and text him "Where are you??"

"Please answer, please please answer" I say to my phone as I start up the engine. I don't even know where to look, he can't have gone far, especially on foot. I start driving, praying I'm going in the right direction. I check my phone at every red light and every stop, but nothing pops up. Why wouldn't he even reply to me? I know it was a dick move to just walk out, but why would he let me worry like this?

I must have circled the town at least twice, but I'm getting nowhere. I realise if he's in a shop or a cafe I won't notice him in the car, so I drive into a dingy looking parking lot. I'm nervous to leave my car here, it's dark and dank. But I don't want to waste time finding somewhere else. I'm praying to God he hasn't left town already, then I'll never find him.
I pick up my phone to check it one last time, but see nothing. I press the call button, my breath shaky. It rings, and rings, and rings...nothing.
My heart sinks and I place my phone in my jacket pocket.
I step out of my car and start walking to the countless stores. I look in every window, every cafe and every store. I don't see him anywhere. I'm starting to think I should just give up, when a flash of blue catches my eye in a window. I look round and see him there. He's talking, laughing, sat with a man with the blue hair I noticed. I feel anger burning in my stomach as I look at them. He pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket, and writes what I'm guessing is his number on it, while Jason continues to smile. I feel like my stomach is about to explode.

"Alice, I think I'm falling for you" I look into her eyes as I speak, my heart racing. She giggles a little, looking down at the grass we're sat on. "What?" I smile, her smile is so infectious. "I thought it was just me" she says quietly. I sigh in relief and bring her face to mine for a kiss, still smiling.
The way she kisses back feels more passionate then ever. I feel a need for her close to me deep in my stomach, and pull her onto my lap. She wraps her arms around my neck, as her soft lips brush mine. She always smelt amazing, almost like cherries. I push my face into her neck, breathing in her scent as I kiss her neck gently.
"I want to be with you forever"

Jason's POV

"H-Hey Andy" I say, trying to smile. I look over at Alex, and see his eyes are wide as he looks at Andy, then back at me. Andy gives him an angry, and admittedly rather hot look, before looking back at me. "Come on" he mutters, before walking out the café. "I better go" I tell Alex, giving him a sorry look. "I understand, hit me up sometime" he smiles. "I will" I smile back, grabbing my bag. "And thank you" I add, before getting up and walking over to the door.
The nervousness feels like its going to eat my stomach alive as I open it, and step outside.
He's stood right outside, leaning against the wall, and lighting up a cigarette.
"Andy..." I start, unsure what to even say.
"Who was he?" He asks suddenly. "Alex? I just met him here" I tell him. He sounds... jealous? 
"I've been searching for hours, I've been worried fucking sick!" He snaps, before taking a long draw on his cigarette.
"I'm.. I'm sorry, I thought you wanted rid of me" I mumble, looking down at the pavement, but peeking up to see his reaction.
He puts out his cigarette, stepping on it with his boot. He suddenly pulls me into a tight embrace, I wrap my arms around his small frame and melt into him. "I'm just glad you're safe, but never do that to me again" he mumbled before leaving a small kiss on my cheek. I pretty much turn into putty in his arms.
"Come on" he says, grabbing my hand and walking across the street to a large parking lot.
"Where are we going?" I smile, following willingly. "I'm taking you home" he smiles. My heart drops. "I can't go home, my mom won't see me" I tell him as we reach his car. "Not there" he smiles, turning back to me and placing his hand on my cheek. "Our house"
I breathe a sigh of relief. "Our house?" I ask
"What's mine is yours, sweetie." he blushes, avoiding eye contact. I smile wider then I have in a long time as he said that. It feels like I'm home in his company.
We step into his car and he begins the short drive home. I look at him as he concentrates on the road. I don't understand how I could be so lucky, how I could get such a caring, understanding, handsome man.
"I just want to say.." he breaks the silence. "I can't promise I'll be perfect, I won't get your pronouns right every time and I won't get your name right all day, but I can promise I'll try my best" he glanced over at me and smiles. "I'm just happy you're willing to try" I say, staringly lovingly at his face. It's like the first time I've seen him all over again, and I'm taking in every little detail. "Also..uh...what is your name?" He blushes, glancing at me when he has the chance. "Jason" I chuckle "I suppose I didn't really get a chance to introduce myself" I smirk, staring out onto the road. "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that, it was kind of a dick move" he says as we approach his house. "Don't worry about it" I smile. I notice another car pulled up next to his house. "Oh shit" he mutters under his breath as we pull up to his driveway. "What is it?" I ask, starting to panic.
"Nothing" he attempts to reassure me. It might've worked if it wasn't for the expression on his face, somewhere in between fear and dread.
He gets out the car and I follow him, despite him attempting to convince me to stay in the car.
I stay right behind him as we walk up the driveway, and he unlocks the door.
We walk into the living room, and I peak round him to see a women sat on the couch with long dark brown hair, wearing all black, and makeup glamorous enough for an awards show.
She smirks up at him, not even noticing me.

"Hey there baby"

Bulletproof and Vulnerable. An Andy Biersack Love Story (Ftmxboy)Where stories live. Discover now