Chapter 6: Monday

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"I know that you made a move on Andrew at the club this weekend

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"I know that you made a move on Andrew at the club this weekend." Chloe seethed through her teeth, face pinched together in her anger.

Sierra stood shocked in her living room, "What are you talking about?" She had a long day at work. Her lower back was killing her and her head was beginning to thump. This was not what she had wanted to come home to.

Her sister was practically shaking, "Angela told me all about it. She saw you with your grimy little hands all over my Andrew."

She snorted at the comment, crossing her arms over her chest, "Your friend needs get a better hobby, or maybe some glasses to help her see straight."

"I didn't want to believe her but she took a picture." She holds up her cell phone, showing Sierra an image of her pressed up against the wall with Andrew towering over her. Her hand resting against his chest, "What do you have to say for yourself, Sierra?"

Sierra wanted to laugh at how the situation had been turned around on her. The universe really had a sense of humor and enjoyed making her the punchline. It was Chloe's Andrew that had been drunk, trying to get at her but that picture could look different from a different perspective. It did seem incriminating, but Chloe didn't know the whole story.

"You really think that low of me? That I would try to take him from you? My sister?" It felt like the appropriate question to ask. The fact that she would chose to believe what her groupies said over having some faith in her own sister was actually surprising.

"Well I've always known you were jealous of me, Sierra. I just didn't realize how low you would go." Her words burned and sent Sierra recoiling. How long had these feelings been festering inside of her? How long had she been looking down on her from her high horse?Chloe sneered, clutching her phone tighter as she shook it, "I really can't believe you. How dare you do something like this to me, we're sisters. I trusted you."

Sierra felt anger and hurt coil in her stomach, "how dare I?" She repeated the words back in a question. People always wanted to point fingers, to blame and ignore the things that they did.

The truth was such a delicate thing that could be so easily twisted, which was exactly what had happened. Her sister thought she knew the truth. Except the truth was only that she had let herself be poisoned by the whispers of other people's thoughts and beliefs. She let them twist her around until she saw what they saw. A false image.

"You know I didn't want to believe what people were saying about you but I guess it's true..." Chloe continued to dig into her.
She must have spent the whole day steeping in her bitterness, "You are a whore who only wants what other people have. You disgust me, preying on people like a vulture."

Sierra curled her fingers inward, making a tight fist. The word whore shot through her mind like a stray bullet, leaving a ringing in her ears. This wasn't the first time someone had called her a whore. The name was meant to hurt her, make her feel shame. The proverbial shaking of a finger in her face. The only difference was it was coming from her sister. They didn't have the best relationship but she had taken her in, cared for her.

This was what she got in return? Unacceptable. Sierra's lips turned upward into a cruel smile. If Chloe wanted to paint her as the jealous whore creeping around in her shadow, waiting to steal her man, so be it. She could believe whatever she wanted. They all could, but Sierra didn't have to stand around and listen to it. She didn't have to grin and bear it.

"You know, last time I checked, Andrew isn't yours..." Chloe shrunk back a little at her soft spoken reply, brows furrowing as if she had forgotten that detail. Sierra had been painted the villain and in her anger she planned to play her part out to the end, "You think that I want your scraps? That's funny."

She let out a dark laugh, "Poor poor pitiful, Chloe. You think you've been dining like a queen, but the irony of that is you're the one whose been eating my scraps, from the very beginning." Sierra could see the confusion in her eyes as she tried to understand what was being said, "Let me put it plainly for you, Before you...there was me. Andrew apparently likes to keep things in the family."

Sierra let her arms fall to her sides as she stepped forward, "If you want to cast your stones at me, go for it. Cast all the stones you like. I will make one suggestion, you might want to duck because currently your aim is off and with your head as big as it makes for a great target."

Tears filled up Chloe's eyes, not liking the hard truth that had been thrown in her face. Sierra could tell from the look in her eyes that she was going to hold onto her "proof" so that she could keep believing in her lie. Chloe was going to draw this out, "You are going to deserve everything that comes your way, Sierra. You're pathetic."

"Maybe I am." Sierra held her smile, "but at least I'm not delusional. Now pack up your shit and get the fuck out of my apartment." She didn't wait for any more words, didn't feel the need to explain what had actually happened at the club. She simply turned and walked away down the hallway with her head held high.

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