Faint Memories, Lost and Found

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I curl under the covers and think over my day, remembering miniscule details of how your lips curl up as I look at you, how you squeeze my hand as we walk and always open the door... the warmth of that hand on my thigh, making small circled patterns as we sit beside each other. Harder and harder to focus on class, I look over and see you just as distressed. All you can think of is touching me, and all I can wonder is when it will be.
In my imagination
I can feel your hands hold me
Your lips speak my name
And your heart melt with mine.
In my imagination
I wonder if it'll ever happen
If I'll ever taste your lips again
If your heart will speak its love for me.
In my imagination
I trust you to not forget me
And I know sometimes you will
But you'll apologize.
In my imagination
You smile at me in the halls
You don't ignore my texts
And I smile as you tell me you love me.
In my imagination
My thoughts poison me
The fears and the wonders of love
Are just worms in my mind.
In my imagination
You still exist in my life
And even though you've forgotten me
My heart still speaks your name.
In my imagination
I forget how your hands felt on me
The way your voice spoke my name
And the way your heart melted with mine.

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