On The Wake

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Upon the coming dawn I wake
And am greeted by my pride.
Having the most beautiful eyes,
To me, is an honor bestowed on
The most beautiful women. Fragile
Women need the most sleep.

I am not one who gets sleep,
For when the sun wakes, I wake
That is why I am so fragile.
What my beauty rides on is pride,
Something I work tirelessly on.
My best feature is my eyes.

If you, by chance, see my eyes
Do not look too long, for I sleep
And lose those compliments on
The ride from dusk to dawn. Wake
To see not me, but your pride
In the mirror’s reflection, fragile.

Precisely what I lack: fragile
Heart, polite lips and curious eyes;
Things most women have. Pride
Yourself in the ability to sleep
In, and never feel the need to wake.
Eventually we have to move on.

You will have to look on
To other things, other fragile
Women, more beautiful ones. Wake
Up in the morning to her eyes,
And then go back to sleep.
You don’t have my kind of pride.

If you did have my pride
You wouldn’t need to be on
Another woman’s bed to sleep
You would be with me, fragile
And beautiful like her eyes,
Like the crest of an ocean’s wake.

Do you pride yourself on being fragile?
Because if you do, you don’t need her eyes
To be on the wake of the ocean, just sleep.

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