An Untouchable Love

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You float above the skies
In the heavens, where no end
Is hidden in a void of black.
But your lips taste sweeter
When they’re here with me,
Making me drunk like red wine.

This connection, between wine
And woman, blurs the skies
And makes it hard for me
To see the light at the end
Of the tunnel, but still, sweeter
Waters might turn black.

Those dilated pupils, black
And emboldened from wine,
Make kissing you much sweeter
Than searching the night skies
For shooting stars. In the end,
You mean the world to me.

A simple person in love, me
Looking at you, pitch black
Surrounding us until the end.
We toast and drink more wine
To erase the stormy skies,
You could make anything sweeter.

You could even make death sweeter,
That’s how much you mean to me,
Enough to shut out the blue skies
And sunshine and favor your black
Shadows. You, the water, I, the wine,
There’s only one way this can end.

But I do hope it will never end,
Because I want it to be sweeter;
I want to drink you like wine,
I want you to need me
As badly as I yearn for your black
Embrace, I’ll forget the skies.

In the end, you’ll never leave me,
Past my lips, your wine turns black,
And I lay, dreaming of sweeter skies.

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