What's Left of You

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I can feel in you, the tides
Are turning, the call of winter
Is changing you into a more
Bitter lover. Your black sea
Swallows more with each sob
And nothing of me will remain.

What little of us does remain
Turns your gentle tides
Toward new sadness. You sob
And the rains of winter
Come fiercely, filling your sea
And creating so much more.

But nothing good follows. More
Than yourself, little is left to remain,
A depression that drains the sea
Inside your heart, with it’s rough tides
Push and pull you, bitter winter
And heated summer come, sob

To bring life with tears, sob;
To show me you feel more
Than just this bitter, icy winter.
Bring what parts of you remain
And turn back your tides
Toward my tropical sea.

Your summer thaws the sea
Inside you, no need to sob
If you aren’t in pain. The tides
Will come back for you, for more
Of what has come to remain.
Don’t let this bitterness win. Winter,

With it’s icy claw and pain, winter
Will not claim the fierce sea
Inside you that holds, remain
Stalwart in your sadness, sob
To fill your oceans with more
And force movement in your tides.

Winter might force tears, sob
And give the sea all and more,
Nothing will remain but the tides.

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