Chapter 6

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Amits PoV

I was sitting in conference room.
Ten days have passed but no improvement in my case. She is avoiding me.I am sure about it  but why?  I am not getting answer.

Even Nikhil was confused .Of couse! she is excellent in her work.

Nikil came in with Puja.

Puja: What happened  any thing serious ?

Nikhil : u will have to help us Puja.

Puja : Help! any problem.

Nikhil: 'Puja' Amit loves vaishu.

Puja : I know

Me:( looking at Puja in shock ) how u  know.

Puja : the way  u  r behaving from that anyone can make out.

Nikhil : now what  to do? She is avoiding amit yaar.

Puja : Hmm......... not sure but I think  Amit ,she likes u that's  why she is avoiding  u.

Me: what ! and if she likes me then why she is avoiding.

Puja: I think she is controlling her feelings because of her father. As I am her best friend I know this much that now a days she is confused and lost in her thoughts .

Nikhil: why don't u go and ask her?

Puja: what u think I didn't ask her but she is not telling and can make out pain on her face.

Me: now!

Puja: Wait till she realises the fact because  she was not confuse before even when  mohit has proposed her. Give her some time.

My phone started ringing and my elder bro Akash singh sehgal was  on line -

Akash - Amit take tonight's flight and come to Mumbai . U  need to sign some papers plus an important meeting is there and mom misses  u.

Me: o.k.

I turned towards them and said,  Guys , I have to go to Mumbai. I'll meet  Mam and then I will  leave.

Bye they said and I left  for Mumbai.

Vaishali PoV

After having my dinner I was in  my room lost in my thoughts.

I don't  know where he suddenly disappeared.   Afterwords puja told me that he went to Mumbai .The day  when i saw him I lost  myself. Something has changed in me. May be this feeling is calld love. Love at first Sight.

I am falling for him and believe me I have tried hard not to fall for him. But failed. This feeling never came  to me before. I know he loves me , u can make out the way he cares for me.

Puja was asking me many times that if I have any feeling for him. How can I tell her that I really love him as  this relation have no future so  I kept quite. If papa comes to know about this then....... if same thing happened with me whatever had happened with chitradi then what?

Tears started coming from my eyes
No it's  not possible. I have to stop here as this will creat only tension.  But what about my feelings. I  don't  know,' God please  help me'! I want him in my life as well as I don't want the same story of chtradi to repeate and papa, I don't  know what he is going to do if  he'll come to know about my feelings.

Hi, what u think will happen next.
Please do tell me how was this chapter.

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