chapter 12

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Vaishali  PoV

Today I am very happy. Why u know my elder bro vedant bhai is going to come.

OMG I am very excited. I had taken leave from  collage as well as  from office. I want 2 spend whole day with my bro. I have already prepared his favourite dishes.

Finally it's 11.15 my  father and varun bhai came with vedant bhai. I went hugged bhai tightly after all I am meeting him after long long looooooong 6 months.

I: I missed u bhai.

Vedant: I missed u too my baccha.

( after chitradi's incident I lost father love, care everything and that day onwards my vedant bhai became my father. From  that day onwards he used to call me baccha. )

Amits PoV

It's August now. Her collage  started. How she is managing every thing yaar collage, office, house, studies, our relation, her  family just everything she is managing.

Today vaishu is on leave as her elder bro is going to come. For this 2 and half month I didn't visit my family. As I am not a boss over here I have to act as an employee and employees does not get leave every now and then.

Day after tomorrow is raksha bandhan and my  sis  anuja is forcing me to come to Mumbai.  But really I am busy in this project  and I can't go on raksha bandhan. She was very upset with me.

Vaishali PoV

After lunch I went to vedant bhai's room.

Me: bhai i want to tell u something.

Vedant: I know baccha u r upset with papa

Me: No bhai it's not like that. May be even papa doesn't  know about kamat uncle son. I think papa blindly believe kamat uncle. Don't think about that.

Vedant: Ok  let's forget.

Me: bhaiiiii.....  hmmm...

Vedant: haan bacccha u want to say something.

Me: bhai  when u r getting marry.

Vedant: what!

Me:bhai u r 27 now and I want bhabhi.

Vedant: U  r mad or What. I have told u that when u complete your studies and get marry only then I will think about my marriage.

Me: I know bhai but I want to complete my M.Com.and then B.Ed. I want to become teacher and for that I need atleast 3 more years.

Vedant: So take your time baccha.

Me: but u will be 31 by that time bhai.I want to see my both brothers happy in their life's. If u have some one in your life bhai please tell me.
And one more thing bhai I want promise on this rakshabandban that u  r getting marry. I don't  want anything.

Vedant : but baccha... who told u to ask me all this things because I think u yourself can't  ask this to me.
( varun enters in the room who was listening  all coversation from outside)

Varun: bhai .... I told her. I had seen u many time in mohit's cafe with a girl.Bhai even I want u to get marry. And any how i am not going to  marry before 3 years. 

Me: bhai i want to meet bhabhi.

Varun: even I bhai please

Vedant : I am inspector and u  r spying on me.

Me: No bhai it's not like that but bhaiii today evening when u r going to meet bhabhi we will come with u.

Vedant: now go to your rooms. I will think about it.

I and varun bhai came out of room and started gigling as vedant bhai has to get marry now.

It's 5.15 when vedant bhai called me and varun bhai.He told us to get ready witin  10 minutes.

After that we went to mohit's cafe and within 5 minutes a girl came and sat near vedant bhai. Bhai introduce her as Naina. She is really beautiful. She must be knowing me and varun bhai as she wished us by our names.

Bhai told us that she is dentist. We talked for sometime and then varun bhai and i  went home leaving  both of them in cafe.

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