Vaishali's PoV
I went to my room thinking what to do now followed by my mom.
She asked me how was the meeting but when I glared at her angrily, she sat besides me.
"Vaishu" she said, listen what ever happened you just forget that and forgive him. At least give him a chance. He is not cheater otherwise he would not have come here to win you again. Just think about it and she left.
I was thinking about what my mom said to me then I realise that I didn't tell anything to my bros .
Oh God ! Now i have to tell my bros so went down to look them but I didn't find them so I asked mom about them. She said they r on terrace.
I have to tell them so I went on terrace where they were talking about tomorrow's engagement.
'Bhai' i want to talk to you i said.
Hmm..... what baccha.
Bhai I know Amit from last 5 months and I told them the whole story.
'Bhai', please don't be angry on me. I wanted to tell on u both at a time on rakshabandhan so I didn't tell varun bhai too. But before that his mom came and I thought it's of no use to tell u as everything was finished.
But he came again rest of the things u know. I am really very sorry. I looked at them but they remain quite so I went back to my room. I know i have hurted them.
After sometimes my bros came to my room. I was busy in my thoughts when they came and told me that they r not angry on me. They only want my happiness.
Before I could answer them my phone started buzzing flassing Amit's name.
Varun bhai received the call.Oh God I am gone now because if Amit says something then varun bhai will tease me like hell.
Varun : Ahmmm I am not your jaan, I will give it to your jaan.
Finished vaishu now get ready as varun bhai is not going to leave u.
After giving phone to me both of them went.
Hello! I said.
Hello , why u gave your phone to your bhai.
I didn't give, he saw flashing your name and received your call. By the way what u said haaan, now he is going to tease me like hell.
What did I say?
What U addressed to me .
I called u jaan my love.
See this only i am talking about.
So what should I call you sweetheart.
Arrrrg...... please Amit.... .
But I like to address you like that.
Oh God now bhai is going to tease me.
Let him princess u just ignore and now tell me how is your health.
I am fine. Had dinner.
Hmmm sounds like typical wifey . Aren't we?
Really does it sounds like that.
I mean I was just asking .
Oh come on baby just don't hide your feelings. I know i have hurted you but it was only to gain you in my life .
I know he really loves me but still I can't trust him . He has broken my trust. I am just talking to him because of my mom had asked me to give him a chance.
Hello jaan r u there.
Hmm i just zoned out.
Tomorrow is our engagement so be ready to become officially mine.
What do you mean officially ?
No nothing.
Don't distract me and explain
What I'll explain U shouldn't know that now.
No i want to know what u r talking about.
Don't be stubborn
No i am not stubborn just want to know.
Oh you don't know baby then listen from tomorrow onwards I will have all rights on you.
What rights?
Oh God don't be so innocent vaishu.
Don't distract me. Tell me what rights.
Ok ! right to touch you, right to hugg you ,right to kiss you and many more as nobody can take away theses rights from me.
But we r not married and I won't allow you.
For what baby u r not allowing me.
Arrrg .....this man. Hmmm..... you only said your rights.
I don't need anybody's permission for taking what is mine
In your dreams.
U know jaan in my dreams I have reached far.
Far means ?
Oh shit why did u ask him vaishu? u know what it means.
U really don't know jaan what i mean.
I think it's too late we should sleep.
Ok but my gd nite kiss.
What do you mean by what ? I am asking for my good night kiss just give me.
No never.
So u r not giving me my kiss never mind I 'll take it by myself tomorrow. Gd night
Gd night
Take care and miss me.
Amit was very happy not knowing what is waiting for him tomorrow.

Love at First Sight
RomanceWhyyy a..... Amit....why did you do this to me. U....u.... got me only in this whole world to make time... pass. Why you flirt with me Amit. I'll never forgive you. I hate you. I have to control myself. I have to control my feelings. I have to cont...