chapter 20

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Vaishali's PoV

My father called me in living room. I was worried, now what i have to face.
I saw my mom , bros and my father were  sitting  in the hall.

I went there and sat with my mom not knowing  what  shock I was about to get.

"Vaishu" my father said ,listen carefully.

Today your Mam kavita sehgal had called me as she wanted to meet me.

Oh !no what mam had told him.

She wants u  to marry her nephew Amit Sehgal. I have met him and he is very nice boy. Your bros came just now after meeting him and they also don't have any problem. Just now I had called him saying yes from our side.

I was shocked hearing all this things. I looked at bros and they nodded.

What I will say now. Here I was planning how to leave job so that I can stay away from Amit and now  how I'll can stay away. And they r thinking about marriage.

No ,I can't marry  that lier.He hided his identity. I hate him. I went to my room and called him but his phone was busy. Half an hour passed but still busy.  I called Puja and asked her about Amit.  She told me that he is in office. I changed my clothes and inform my mom that I am going to office.

She didn't  say anything. While my bros started teasing me that I am going  as I want to go for date.

What rubbish! I am going because i wanted to know what  he had told to my bros  that they were ready for this marriage and my problem is that now I can't  share anything.

I went to his  cabin where Nikhil was busy with him discussing something.

I want to talk to u Amit and it's urgent, without looking at nikhil 
I said.

Nikhil went out with a smirk and we were both of us inside cabin and he was continuously starriing at me.

Don't  look at him vaishu other wise u will be lost in  his eyes, my brain warned me.

What is this dramma and what u told my bros? I asked him without  looking.

How r u jaan? Why u came here? U should have taken rest he said still starting at me.

I am not your jaan and answer me first.

Listen sweeheart, u r dischaged today only so please go and take rest, rather wait! I'll drop u.

I am not your anything and don't  address me like that.

Like what baby ?

Arrrg..... this guy is irritating me. Just tell me what u told my bros and this dramma u have created.

What I have told your bros and which dramma u r talking about.

U don't  know  anything?  I am talking  about marriage.

Whose marriage?

Please Amit enough don't irritate  me I don't have that much strength ,I said to him making an eye contact.

Ok , I have convinced your bros and your father for our marriage.

But I don't want to marry u?

He was continuously starriing at me without breaking eye lock.

He started coming nearer to me.

Oh God! Why  he is coming closer to me.

He came near to me and  i started  going back till I hit a wall. He covered his both hand on both side trapping me in middle of his hands.

Just leave me Amit,  I said as I was feeling  uncomfortable. I can feel his breath. This was the first time when some one was so close to me.My heart started beating so fast that i was  shivering.

I saw hurt in his eyes. I was not able to take his stare so i broke the eye lock.

What u said, u don't  want to marry me. So what will u tell your family  for your no.

I was thinking about the answer but he continued  so I preferred to listen.

"Baby",  just listen to me carefully , if u said no to marrriage I will kidnap u and marry u and people will think that u  ran away. After that u won't be allowed  to meet your family and if u say yes for marriage then there will be no such things . Both way u  have to marry me and now the choice is yours which way u want our marriage.

I was shocked to hear this  but still I control myself and said,

If u  r joking , I am not in a mood .

Even I am not in mood of joks . U really think I am joking. I want u in my life at any cost,  he said .

U can't  do this Amit i said as I was shocked with his reply.

Of course  I can do this and like a good girl be ready for our engagement tomorrow. My family will be coming tomorrow.  I have told u shona  that u r mine and I really  mean it.

I hate u Amit  and I hate u more for forcing me in this marrriage.I pushed him and  started going out but before I go out he hold my hand and stopped  me,

One more thing I want to tell u vaishu, I call my chacha - chachi as papa and mummy so I expect the same from u. Whatever problems  we have between us  but always give respect to my family members.

Just leave me I want to go home.

Wait ! I'll drop u .

No need , I can go by myself and I went.

Hope u r enjoying.  What do u think will happen  next.To know  more stay tuned.

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