Two days have passed and tomorrow they r coming. I was getting ready for my office at that time one courier came for my varun bhai .
When bhai opered the parcel there were some photographs in it. After looking at them he got angry and called me. He showed me those photographs and told me that the guy in snap is my future husband.
He called maa and Papa and showed them those snaps. When maa saw them she was very hurt and my bro asked my father, 'papa I know u don't like vaishu but it doesn't mean that u will tie her knot with a drunker.
What u think will be her life after marrying this person. I am againat this marriage and won't allow u to marry her with this guy . I am sending these snaps to verdant bhai.He will talk to u.
So my marriage is cancelled. I am very happy. While going to office I bought snacks and sweets as my marriage is cancelled. So party to banati hai.
When I gave them snacks and told them the whole story, I saw Amit and Nikhil were smiling. Me and puja gave them confused look.
Puja: Don't tell me that, this was your plan.
I also gave them shocking look.
Amit: Nikhil and I fond out about him and we easily got his snaps. He is only son of his parents not doing anything so his parents wants him to get marry. As he is drunker no one was ready to give him girl from their locality.
Your father have faith on Mr. kamat so without any enquiry he said yes to him and his drinking habit helped us .
We have his video recording too.Amit: So now u r happy right.
Me: Hmm....
Vaishali : Have snacks !( with a smile on her face.) And get back to work.
Nikhil: Not fare vaishu! getting back to work , I want 3 more parties.
Me: What ? 3 more, may I know the reason for paties.
Nikhil: one from Amit and 2 from u.
Amit:from me for what
Nikhil : Amit will give because he got u and u will give because u got him.And second party is of your result as this is for cancelling your marriage.
Me: I am have to give this snacks to smita , Jennie and mohit.
Amit : what u r going to tell them.They don't know about this.
Me: Hmm... then!
Puja: tell them it's result party. And I haven't given us party right.
Me: I won't lie.
Puja: so who is telling u to lie any how u was supposed to give us party as u got 87%. And if mohit comes to know about u and Amit then he will be hurted . Any how he is also our best friend and even if u have rejected him, he may have feeling for u and may be hiding from please....
Nikhil: so this is result party and cancellation of marriage remain.
Me : Oh please Nikhil.( I went from there to distribute snacks.)

Love at First Sight
RomanceWhyyy a..... Amit....why did you do this to me. U....u.... got me only in this whole world to make time... pass. Why you flirt with me Amit. I'll never forgive you. I hate you. I have to control myself. I have to control my feelings. I have to cont...