Chapter 0

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Key: Y/N - Your name
L/N - last favored name
H/C - hair Color
(Optional) H/C/S - hair color streak
E/C - eye color (it can have other colors in it
W/N - weapon name
H/L -hair length (from short to extremely long your choice
F/C - favorite color
S/F/C - second favorite color
T/F/C - third favorite color
F/F - favorite food
POV - point of view
(If wanted) F/E - faunus Ears
A/N -authors note
Depressed thoughts
Story/ talking/scroll texting/ notepad writing

A/N- language warning, the creator of all pictures belongs to their respective artist any music that goes to their respective bands/musicians and RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth not me only the story is mine until next time enjoy the story


"GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" your terrible parents screamed as you ran into the woods near the prison that people called a home for your 7 years of life all you got from that place was pain and misery and you finally had gotten food and water for the first time in 3 weeks so with your newfound energy you made a break for it when your parents were too busy fucking to pay attention to you.
the sounds of bullets and arrows barely missing your head catches your attention as you look back you see your older brother Jeff with his bow while your piece of shit dad aiming his sniper at you as your fuck head of a mother is aiming her pistol at you and then your dad hits your shoulder with the sniper's bullet.
"FUCKING HELL!!!!" it hurts like a bitch but you keep running you finally see the city buildings getting in view as an arrow embeds itself in your thigh slowing you down slightly as you make it in the city finally getting away after taking 572,937 lien from that hellhole of a home as people start taking notice of your injured state "OH MY OUM! Kid are you alright do you need a doctor? Where is your parents!?" You look at them and say just barely a whisper "I have no parents just pull the arrow out of my leg I can take care of the rest" *you look around you to see a Small crowd has formed near you* there drawing to much attention and I'm losing to much... B....blood I guess it's already my time*is your last thought as you see a pink brown haired girl rush up to you and then you fade out of conscience*


What in the hell is with all the commotion *I go to outside to see a boy most likely around my age bleeding out of two noticeable wounds in a tattered F/C T-shirt and black pants no shoes and then I see his interestingly dead inside E/C eyes and dulled H/C and H/S/C that is H/L but my wonder about his looks is cut off by the fact that he is starting to pass out from blood loss and I go to get him a doctor and as I pick him up I notice his weight is very light maybe like 40 pounds* why is he so light whatever let's just get him to a hospital while he is still alive.

~time skip and back to your POV ~

*I gasp as I open my eyes and look around and see I am in a white room* where am I how am I still alive my thoughts were cut short at the sound of someone talking to someone as a door opens.
"I am sorry miss but he seemed to be extremely underweight instead of an average 49.7 pounds he weighed 15 pounds and had signs of starvation and abuse it is a surprise he even lived through the operation but he has been out of it for two months straight." Two months huh time to act unconscious as you pretend to be unconscious with your eyes barely open enough to see but closed enough to be considered to be out cold still
"So miss young Neo we will contact you even we notice any changes in his condition" the doctor says as he closes the door as you wait 5 minutes to see if anyone tries to renter the room you get up and look around for your clothes you find them and put them on and open the window to your luck you're on the second floor and you still have money so you scale down the building without drawing attention to yourself into the alley way next to the hospital when you hit the ground you look around the alley and go into the streets and start looking for a place to get new clothes.

Doctors POV

Alright time to check patient 267 *he opens the door to see your room empty and your clothes gone and the window open with the wind blowing the curtains around so he rushes to the open window to see if you killed yourself or not and somewhat relieved to know you lived then he makes a sudden realization* "I'm so fired for this."

Neo's POV

*I hear my scroll ding signaling that I received a message so I checked it and read "the boy has escaped the hospital but we have the police searching for him" after reading this I throw my scroll to the ground nearly breaking it and scream inside my head* THOSE FUCKING IDIOTS COULDN'T EVEN KEEP TRACK OF AN INJURED 7-YEAR-OLD BOY THERE USELESS

Your POV

I'll get a F/C jacket S/F/C T-shirt black pants and shoes with a T/F/C hat and shoes and a black scarf and F/C wallet *after buying those clothes with another pair of clothes for back up you leave the store with about 300 lien less in search of food let's see I need to find a place to sleep and earn money since this will only last me so long but at least I'm free from that hellhole plus the hat and scarf will make a good pillow but I am going to need a weapon soon to protecting myself "it can only get better from here."

A/n- and that's a wrap for now in the comments let me know four things 1) what can I improve on? I Know I am not the best story writer I just put it together in my as I went along 2) what weapon do you all want? I'll base it off uniqueness and how well it can be concealed out in public and 3) do you want to be a faunus or not and if so what type?
That is what I would like to know in the comments so please let me know and I hope you enjoyed the story. For the sides, I decided to wait until the next official part until a vote needs to be cast since I thought of more choices on sides so please be patient.

Abused Neglected male reader X Neo *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now