Author Note 2

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This is the poll for your semblance for the story i have a few choices but if you would like to suggest your own then you may in the comments or PM the suggestion for it with a description

1) is the double edged sword semblance - it can do one of two things it can heal you or someone and power you up to 5 times your normal strength but if you heal someone it will cost you a sense or if you power your self up it will have a rebound the second its deactivated that will feel like your body is being ripped to shreds and reformed until you pass out from pain.

2) time manipulator semblance - you can control time for as long as your is still present but you can't go back in time you will be able to slow down, speed up, or completely stop it but only for so long before you have no more energy left from use but your aura will regenerate much faster than a normal person unless you use your life force.

3) Full Telekinesis - you can read minds move objects and fly for a short period of time you will sadly also see everything of the persons mind including there past and weather you like it or not they will see and feel bits and pieces of your past.

4) spell caster - you will learn spells from just watching and reading random things and you wont have to say them unless you really want to as well as the fact that instead of mana being consumed its aura and if you try casting another one after that runs out it will consume your life force so use sparingly

and that's all the ones i thought of the moment of time if you have a good one with a description with it if so i will put it in here after this with your user name since it would be your suggestion so have fun


Abused Neglected male reader X Neo *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now