Chapter 7

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A/N well here we are again and I am starting to think of a new story but I will not give too much away unless you PM me the question then I will try to answer it to you as quickly as possible and the reason why I didn't get enough votes for choices of what the next one should be but any way on with the story since that is all I own.

Your POV

So, what mission will we go on I mean Ozpin asked me and Neo to see him for our mission *your thoughts are interrupted as the elevator door opens as you and Neo walk into Ozpin's office* Ozpin "ah Y/N Neo thank you for coming here." *you both just nod only wanting the mission details* Ozpin "well it seems there is total Grimm infestation at a village that is a bit closer to Haven that's in need of thinning out so I would like you two to do this since all second to fourth years are busy with their own missions while you two are first years you both have skills of fully trained huntsmen and huntress that also means you will go on your own you two do you accept this mission?" *you look at Neo and she smiles at you* you "we accept the mission how long will we be gone?" Ozpin "you two should be back in a couple of months or so it's quite an infestation you both leave immediately so do get ready for departure." *you both nod and leave and grab a few items from your scroll, headphones, and sleeping bag Neo grabbed her notebook and pen, scroll, as well as her sleeping bag so we both leave as soon as Neo grabbed her umbrella from her locker you always have your gauntlets on so you went to the bullheads passing by team RWBY who Ruby went to you and asked you a question* Ruby "Y/N Neo where were you two we didn't see you get a mission?" You "Ozpin gave us a mission personally and we must leave for it now so have fun on your mission girls." *as you and Neo get on the bullhead Ruby asked one more question* Ruby "who are you two tailing?" You "no one." *then the bullhead takes off then Neo snuggles against very happy now* this should be interesting

~timeskip brought Chibi Neo dragging Chibi Y/N to bed while having a ton of dirty thoughts about you and her~ Neo's POV

*we just landed as me and Y/N leave the bullhead we walk to the village to see when we got there to only see the entire village is burned to ash with several skeletons littered around the place so I cover my mouth in horror as I look at you to see you look unamused by the sigh he did so I hugged his arm and held a piece of paper that says* Neo "what type of Grimm do you think we will have to face here?" You "tons of Beowulfs, Ursa, a few nevermores, some deathstalkers, a few creeps, and if were unlucky enough a Goliath or three." *I looked at him as he said all those Grimm and got a little scared so I got closer to him and he kissed my forehead* you "I'll make sure you stay safe Neo just watch my back and I'll watch yours and when we get back to Beacon then you have my full permission and consent to do whatever you want to me." We will be fucking until I say otherwise then. *Neo got a very lewd look in her eyes and looks a lot more confident*

Your POV

What the hell did I just get myself into now she looks very perverted *both of our thoughts are interrupted by growling from Beowulfs and I look around and see we are surrounded by thousands of Grimm* you "looks like the welcoming party is here.*you active a claw gauntlet and turn the other one to its silenced pistol mode and Neo readies her umbrella and we both have somewhat sadistic grins as we both take off at high speeds to one half of the army of the Grimm as you begin cutting Beowulfs and Ursas to shreds until an alpha deathstalker begin attacking you so you begin fighting it as Neo begins fighting an alpha Nevermore until both of you get backed into each other's back you glance at each other than behind the other ones back I then shoot the nevermore's wing causing it to hit the ground from the loss of balance as Neo proceeds to pierce the stinger of the deathstalker cutting it off as it falls into the head of the deathstalker as you cut the nevermores head off only to see a Goliath on both sides as you both start working together to fight the Grimm off before the Goliaths get to close you speed yours and Neo's time up just enough to kill the rest of the Grimm besides the Goliaths so you stop speeding you and Neo up and slow the Goliaths down and begin attacking it from the ankles to knock it down to kill it as it begins to fall down Neo jumps off my shoulders to stab the Goliath into the head as you jump and begin punching with your claw in its neck until it finally dies and you fall to the ground very tired from using your semblance for too long and fighting off hundreds of Grimm so Neo grabs and pulls you into a semi stable house and makes you rest so you agree and Neo puts your head on her lap lightly petting your ears as you smile happily as you fall asleep from exhaustion*

Neo's POV

He is so cute when he sleeps but he needs his rest *I kiss his forehead and hold him close to me* sleep well Y/N were going to need are energy for tomorrow I just hope it won't get any worse ... I love you Y/N. *is Neo's last thought before she falls asleep as her head rests on top of yours*

A/N and that's a wrap for this chapter next chapter will probably be the last chapter of this one unless you want me to make a volume 2 if so just let me know and I will do so after I start or finish my second book that I plan to write but until then let me know if you want me to or not if so then chapter 8 will have two different endings based off of if you want a volume two or not also if you don't mind I'll also except a different name for the story until 4/27/2017 have a good time

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