Chapter 3

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A/N - the semblance became an issue since I was only going for one but three of them were in a tie so I had to ask my sister to be a tie breaker and she chose the time manipulator as the semblance so I do hope that it clears any confusion that happens up and as usual RWBY is by rooster teeth any pictures or music in the story belongs to their respective artist.

Your POV

It's been two months since I had last time almost killed Cardin for picking on Velvet last time I actually shoved one of my now burned pairs of combat boots up his ass he actually shit leather for a week it was quite entertaining to witness my thoughts are interrupted by the familiar scream Velvet "ow please stop pulling my ears" Cardin "ha what a freak" oh hell no *you quickly and quietly walk over and throw an arm over Cardin's neck and he begins to sweat and shiver remembering the last time you caught him picking on Velvet and you made a mental note to burn this Beacon jacket later and since you had a hat still on they weren't able to see your ears* Y/N "so Cardin what should I do to you this time live bait fishing for the Beowulf's or should I shove your mace up your ass to make it as shitty as you or oh my favorite I just beat the ever living shit out of you within a millimeter of your life that one sounds fun." * he books it away from you and Velvet and you sit next to her and start lightly petting her ears since she is your only friend in the school and you had an ice cream date with Neo later so you have just enough time to shove Cardin's mace up his ass this time* you "just let me know if he hurts you again please Velvet I will take care of him now excuse me his asshole has a date with his mace and not the handle and then I have an ice cream date later today I will talk with you later bunny" Velvet "thank you N/N (Nick/Name) also don't forget to tell me how the date goes" *as you find and shove his hole mace up Cardin's ass and he is taken to the medical wing because you still beat him to within a Millimeter of his life and you changed into a nice F/C jacket a S/F/C T-shirt black pants and a black hat with T/F/C combat boots and you meet Neo at the landing pad in Vale you had already found out her job as a vanillin because team RWBY are very loud well Yang is at least when she is sleeping in Port's class you told Neo that you didn't care that she was and she just hugged you happily at that point* you "hi Neo " *she waves*

Neo's POV

Please don't let him notice the makeup covering my cheek I'm already afraid of what my boss would do to me for being here right now Y/N "Neo why do you smell of makeup and blood" I forgot about his wolf senses Neo text "no reason come on let's go" *she is stopped from moving after she feels a soft caressing of her cheek and then she feels your anger* you "Neo did your boss do this to you?" *she nods knowing better than anyone else that you know abuse when you see it*

Your POV

*your aura was completely visible it was its normal F/C but with golden streaks throughout it and you pick Neo up and put her in the bullhead grab her scroll and message Cinder, Roman, Mercury, and Emerald text them to meet "Neo" on top of dust till dawn all while giving them a name and they took the bait and then you go to dust till dawn by building jumping after you had gave Neo her scroll and put Neo to sleep in the bullhead and telling the driver you will be back in a bit and then you land in front of the four and your claw gauntlets are active and glare at them* Emerald "who are you and where is that little ice cream bi-" you cut her off by knocking her out with a clawed punch to the temple the claws are now dripping blood and mercury seems to be on the ground nearly dead after being stabbed 15 times with the claws and Roman is on the ground with his cane shoved up his ass and 6 bullet holes in his back and Cinder is looking around confused* you "are you Neo's boss" *she nods her hands now on fire* you "then I will beat you into an ounce of your life you fucking bitch" *before she could react you slow her time down and proceeded to literally beat, cut, and shoot cinder until she couldn't even move anymore then you yank her head up forcing her to look at you* you "if I ever see you all again I will kill you slowly and painfully understood" *she nods barely concise and you throw her to the ground and kick her in the face knocking her out and then you go to the bullhead and return to beacon and put Neo in your room and call Ozpin to please come to your dorm room*

~time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Ozpin discussing about letting Neo stay at beacon to repent her actions ~

"As I said before Ozpin if she stays in the school as part of my team then she would be under watch at all times" Ozpin "alright fine you win Mr. L/N I will have her uniform and her bed by tonight now enjoy your weekend and please be careful." You "of course Ozpin" *you walk back in your dorm to be tackled by an overly concerned Neo as she checks you for injuries and taking your shirt off reveling tons of scars most being from when you were younger and as Neo sadly traces her finger over the worst scar that starts from your left shoulder and looks like it was dragged all the way to the right side of your pelvis and it looks extremely jagged and painful and you see an extremely sad Neo by the scar so you grab her chin and lightly move her to your eyes* "Neo that is an extremely old scar I believe it is 13 years old you didn't cause it to me in fact I wasn't even hurt but also one thing welcome to Beacon partner." *you give her a smile as she looks confused then you explain the situation to her and she is so happy to not have to worry about daily beatings anymore from Cinder that she grabs your face and full on kisses you much to both your surprise and delight and then she breaks the kiss and realizes what she did and turns redder than Ruby's cape* you "well that was something but...." *you grab Neo's face and bring it back to you* "I didn't tell you to stop the kiss." *before she can react you give her a kiss that is full of both passion and care as Neo kisses you back only to be separated by the cursed need for air then to go right back into the kiss but this time to be interrupted by a throat being cleared and you look to see a very red Velvet*

Velvet's POV

I better get N/M *I open his door to see him nearly naked only having pants on with a pair of H/C wolf ears on his head and with a pink and brown messy haired girl on top of him making out quite passionately in fact but I need to get his attention so I clear my throat and him and the girl look at me and turn very red most likely redder then Ruby's cloak* Velvet "ummmmmm Y/N I just wanted to let you know if you're not too busy how your date went but I'll come back later." * I close the door and walk away*

Your POV

*you and Neo were now looking back at each other now standing up and you in your normal clothes and Neo in her normal clothes and slightly red* you " so how about we go train to work on are teamwork." *she nods as we start walking to the training room only to be interrupted by Yang screaming at Neo* Yang "YOU BITCH WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!" *you catch Yang's fist and twist it and speak to a member of team RWBY for the first time ever* you "if you try to hurt my teammate again I will give you something to fear she is no longer with Roman since she was getting mistreated and I convinced Ozpin to let her in and if you have a problem with it..." *you begin squeezing her hand releasing a very loud crack and scream of pain* "I will personally hear your concerns and if you try attacking her prepare to face me when I'm pissed." *you let her go and continue to go to the training room with Neo in hot Pursuit*

Yang's POV

Holy shit Y/N broke my hand how much is he holding back in training?!?!?

Neo's POV

I didn't know Y/N could get even sexier now I am even happier to be with him I think I can be happy here I must thank him one day somehow but how?

A/N - Well you heard Neo guys how will she repay you in the future also that is the poll this time how will she repay you in the future chapter and I hope you enjoyed I will check the comments for how she will and post the next chapter by Saturday so enjoy

Abused Neglected male reader X Neo *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now