Chapter 5

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A/N alright the dance will be the next chapter because I have a good picture for Neo in a dance outfit anyway as usual I own nothing but the story now hope you enjoy the story.


I can't believe that Neo wanted me out of the dorm that badly we have three days until the dance and she is acting like we have two hours until the dance oh well I'll just get it over with *is what you were thinking as you walked to the store to buy a tuxedo with about 100,000 lien still left over from taking it from the hellhole and as you walked by an alley way you saw white fang members walk into a door sixteen paces from you and you make a mental note to "investigate" it later after you get the tux and you walk into the store as the clerk begins to greet you until they notice the wolf ears* clerk "welcome s- oh well wolf boy your kind is not welcome here so get the fuck out of here before I call the police and let them know a white fang member is here you broke ass bitch!" So rude I guess I will show them what is true and what is fake in life *you grab their hand and begin to squeeze it and take notice of a claw coming from the gauntlet of that hand and they start sweating profusely as they recognize the claw from wanted posters higher then Romans head and the leader of the white fang's head the one the called "Grave Reaper" or the you in the past that became a mercenary for five years then suddenly vanished from existence until some of his work resurfaced approximately a week and five days ago* clerk "T-T-The G-Grave R-R-R-Reaper" *you nod before speaking quietly* you "now let's get down to business I'm here to purchase a tux I'm not the Grave Reaper anymore just a Beacon huntsmen in training so take your pick start serving the Faunas species or you and this claw will become almost inseparable choose wisely Mr. clerk." the clerk without missing a beat knowing even if they did call the cops it would prove fruitless since if I'm really a Beacon student then Ozpin would clarify it as true and I would be under watch so I would be released "Now sir what type of Tuxedo are you looking for." *you smile and begin to describe a tuxedo you want to buy*

~timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neo snuggling into Chibi Y/N~

50,000 fucking lien for this fucking thing why are they so Oum expensive *you rant in your head as you walk back to the alley where you saw the white fang enter a door at and you walked to the door and knocked politely first and some person looked through the sliding hole door thing* grunt "we are packed now scram kid." *a tick mark appears on your head and the second that they close the door you kick the door right off its hinges and at the top of your lungs shout*" HERE'S JOHNNY!!!!" (I had to do it) *you start to smell several pairs of soiled pants and cover your nose as you start smiling like a maniac* "where's Adam little ones he owes me 5,000,000 lien." The little bitch hired me and then tried to kill me after promising that much so until he shows up I will hunt his ass down from each meeting *you begin to nearly kill each person that attacks you while getting no answer and you leave it and begin heading back to beacon* well that was eventful I wonder what Neo was doing the entire time

Neo's POV

*Neo was finishing setting up the last camera in the bathroom and connecting them to her scroll and was smiling happily* okay now Y/N can't kick me out of the bathroom completely now that the cameras are set up I can see the show and hear his voice at the same time I just hope he doesn't notice them otherwise it will be difficult to explain to him about them *she begins to eat her ice cream happily as you walk back in put the tuxedo away and walk into the bathroom after greeting Neo* time to test them out *she turns them on with her scroll and it loads it showing a camera feed of you staring right into it and without missing a beat* you "nice try Neo but you have to try harder than that" *the screen goes black and she feels all 13 cameras and wire tapes hit her bed and the bathroom door close again* this will be harder to do then I thought

Abused Neglected male reader X Neo *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now