Chapter 1

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A/N- The weapons winner is the claw gauntlets with it being the only one voted on and me being a kind enough decided in the comment section decided to also give the claw gauntlets can turn into dual pistols that out of active combat is just that of bracelets

A/N- The weapons winner is the claw gauntlets with it being the only one voted on and me being a kind enough decided in the comment section decided to also give the claw gauntlets can turn into dual pistols that out of active combat is just that o...

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That is your ranged weapons for this story and reminder any and all of RWBY doesn't belong to me any pictures and music in this story belongs to their respective artists now on with the story.

Your POV

Its been two years since I escaped that hell of a place I found an abandoned apartment complex I tried finding work with no luck I have run into a small gang we got very close until they tried to get rid of me by shooting me and leaving me for dead but I believe what they called an aura protected and healed me so I went and got my revenge on them I guess I will go for a walk *you grab your F/C hoodie and cover your S/F/C shirt and put your hood up to cover your wolf ears the hoodie covers you're claw gauntlets in bracelet mode and you walk out into the rainy cruel world* just look at the ground and no one will hurt you anymore

Neo's POV

I'm just walking around vale using my umbrella to shield me from the rain I just had my ice cream the police gave up finding that boy from two years ago I have as well *her thoughts are interrupted by yelling and she sees some gang picking on some boy he has his head covered by a hood he seems to be trying to get away* gang "WHATS WRONG FUCKER CAN'T SEE WHERE YOUR GOING YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT" poor kid should have- *my thoughts are interrupted as they knock his hood off and I notice the boy is a wolf faunus and seemingly the exact same boy from two years ago and his E/C seems even more dead inside from who knows what besides him* gang "look at this boy's we found us a big shot faunus lets teach this little son of a bitch why he shouldn't mess-" they are interrupted by the same boy going from a dead look inside of his eyes to a psychotic smile on his face as he punches what I would assume to be the gang leader into the wall and pulls what I assume to be the gangs leader gun as he shoots the rest in there pelvis and he keeps the gun most likely to burn it later and the smile disappears as he puts his hood back on and I decided to follow him and get some answers*

Your POV

It seems that the pink brown haired girl seems to be following me but she seems very familiar but I don't remember from where I'll have to get me and her alone to ask maybe in an alley way yea that will do
~time skip brought to you by chibi Y/N and Neo trying to reach to reach the freezer for ice cream ~
*as you take a right turn into the alleyway you hide behind a corner part of it as the girl follows you into the alley and looks confused on where you are so you grab the gun that you took from the gang leader that you incapacitated* "don't move and tell me who are you and why are you following me." * the girl turns around looks at me then the gun then points to her throat and mouth and looks like she's trying to talk with no such luck and I get the message "then start writing your answers before I blow your brains out" she starts writing and then shows me it. Girl "My name is Neo I was following because you are the boy who disappeared from the hospital and left me with the bill" how did she know about the hospital "how did you know about the hospital" she starts writing and shows me. Neo "because I was the one who carried your ass to the hospital" so that's why she is familiar to me she was that girl "so what is it you wanted with me" Neo begins writing again and shows me "because I was curious on where vanished to" I went to go live somewhere safe but I guess I would need to be dead for that now have I satisfied your curiosity." *She nods slightly and I begin walking away from her and I hear her start following so I turn around and look at her* "is there a reason you are following me still" she starts writing and shows me Neo "I'm lost and my home is to far now can I spend a night with you?" *sighs* she can't be serious can she "fine but only because you helped me" continues to walk home

~ time skip brought to you by chibi Neo trying to get chibi Y/N up from sleep~

Neo's POV

*as I follow him I decide to ask his name so I write and poke his shoulder and he looks at me and he reads the note* you "my name? Its Y/N." *I nod as he continues to walk to abandoned apartment complex* he lives here? Y/N "welcome to my home you can choose any room you want except room 568 that is mine now have fun and good night *he enters room 568 and I go to the room directly across from him or room 569* it looks fairly nice in the room even if it is abandoned it seems not very many Grimm attack the place I wonder why that is?

~the next morning ~

He has a nice place but I'm hungry I will go ask him about food *I knock on his door and get no response and I see his room is completely gone except for three things some food, a map of vale from the current location, and a note from Y/N.* note "I decided to move out I left you food and a map to find your way back to your house from ~Y/N" I just found him and he disappears again that Jackass didn't even repay me for the hospital bill

Your POV

I guess I will go to the forest to survive now because I think I'd do better on my own no friends no family just me alone.
"Well" *actives my claw gauntlets as Grimm start surrounding me* "let's get started."

A/N and that's a wrap for this chapter so for the next vote I want you all to choose your path so take your time on picking because once the path is chosen you cannot go back the choices for paths is
1) heroes you choose to go to beacon and become a hunter we have cookies.
2) heroes and convincing Neo to join you.
3) neutral you won't be good or evil and help those you want to.
4) hero to villain Neo convinced you.
5) Villain you have chosen to join the dark side don't worry we have ice cream.
Those are your choices choose carefully I'll give you two days then I will post the next chapter so have fun

Abused Neglected male reader X Neo *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now