Chapter 2

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A/N everyone voted for heroes and convincing Neo to join you also for a reference your now 18 years old aka 9-year time skip because I'm lazy and just woke and as usual RWBY is from rooster teeth and any pictures or music in the story is by their respective artists so on with the story

Your POV

*you were sitting on the bullhead to Beacon academy with more first years you had a F/C trench coat that has a hood attached to it a S/F/C T-shirt underneath the trench coat with black jeans and black combat boots with a T/F/C scarf around your neck just high enough to cover your mouth as the hood is up covering your ears* girl " but yang I don't want to be the bee's knees I want to be a regular girl with regular knees" you then see what you assume to be an air sick male so you do the smart thing and move away the soon to be splash zone and five seconds later you just hear girl "Aww Yang it's on your shoe!" Yang "ewww get it off get it off" *you roll your eyes as you tune them out and get off the bullhead as soon as it lands and just go straight to the assembly room and climb up the wall and sit in the rafters and wait until the assembly is over and proceed to the room where you must sleep at and sleep ignoring everyone else*

~time skip brought to you by chibi Y/N chasing Chibi Author for dying their hair to their least favorite color ~

Time to go warm up *you go outside and proceeded to warm up until you hear* announcement "would all first years please proceed to the cliffs." *you go to the cliffs and somewhat pay attention to the explanation so you know the gist of what you have to do and you get lunched in the air and sniff and find that your quickly approaching a death stalker nest so you bring one claw gauntlet out and change the other one into its pistol form and proceed to kill all but one since it wasn't there you continue walking to the ruins your weapons in bracelet mode you haven't seen a single person and when you get to the ruins you see just one chess piece left so you grab the black Queen piece and go to the cliff and get to the top and hand it to Ozpin not really caring if you're on a team or not*

~time skip brought to you by lazy author ~

Ozpin "Ruby rose, Weiss Sheene, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xaio Long you will now be known as team RWBY lead by Ruby Rose now for the single person who didn't not only not find a partner but single handedly killed 6 death stalkers" *on the screen behind him it shows you without breaking a sweat while dodging all of the attacks and the crowd is looking at the screen in absolute shock from the display of pure skill, speed, and strength it took not only took to break through the armor but to also the quick and extremely precise aim of the gun while still moving* "for this reason we will allow Y/N L/N (L/N means last name) to be a one man team until we find someone suitable to be on his team you all are dismissed to your dorms" *you go to your dorm 569 and change into pajamas and go to bed* "tomorrow is another day"

Neo's POV

It's been 9 years since Y/N disappeared and he is still stuck in my head why is that ice cream will help *as I go to eat ice cream I hear some Beacon 2nd year students talking about the new first years* 2nd year "dude did you hear about the one man team kid named Y/N L/N apparently he killed six death stalkers on his own but wouldn't talk to a single person" I stopped listening thinking that I will have to search that name in a database to see if it's the same person from 9 years ago or even later 11 years ago and if so I have to get him on my side somehow.

~last time skip of this chapter ~

Those classes were so boring at least Vale got a little more interesting *you enter the ice cream shop and point to the Neapolitan ice cream not speaking and you see someone's familiar pink and brown hair* that's Neo if I remember correctly *she points to the Neapolitan ice cream* owner "sorry ma'am but that kind gentlemen just bought the last one" *they are pointing at me and she follows it and she instantly runs up to me and she recognizes me and I roll my eyes as she follows me like a lost puppy and I go into an alley way* "here." *she happily takes the ice cream cone and you sigh mentally* "so Neo how have you been?" *she gives a thumb up as she finishes the ice cream and writes a question down and shows you it "my scroll number? Its okay I guess if I tell you it's (373)837-8289 *ding* Neo " this is my number now we are connected" fair enough I respond back with a question "so what have you been doing for 9 years?" Neo "working training normal things and you?" You "training." Neo "that's it?" *you nod* Neo "so what do you do now?" You "go to beacon you should join if you're not too busy it would be nice to have someone adorable person I Know there plus I am on my own there now but you would need to check your skills but I better get back now I plan to train some more so have fun Neo" *you begin walking back to Beacon*

A/N- that's it for now I will post the next poll in about an hour or so to choose your semblance then post the next chapter Wednesday hope you enjoyed.


Abused Neglected male reader X Neo *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now