Chapter 6

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A/N - it's the dance that is Neo's dress and tuxedo number 3 won the vote so that is your outfit congratulations and enjoy the story and as usual nothing but the story is mine

Your POV

I swear she wanted me at the entrance to the dance to wait for her oh well if I didn't she wouldn't have talked to me until I make her happy I wonder what takes girls so long to get ready in the first pla- *your thoughts are interrupted by the sight of Neo walk up to you in a black dress with flowers going from her back to her chest and her hair having some braids in a way that makes her look slightly more mature and I lose the ability to speak and think for a moment of time as I notice that she has a slight blush making her look even more beautiful than before while she holds up a question* Neo "so how do I look Y/N?" You "Neo I would be lying if I didn't say you are the most beautiful girl in the world and that you left me speechless the second I saw you." *you saw Neo go bright red from what you said and you offered her your arm and she takes it as you enter the dance and you lead Neo to the dance floor as a slow song comes on and you begin to do the waltz with neo as everyone looks at you two awe as you all are now pretty much the only two on the dance floor as Neo lays her head on your chest. While you and her don't even notice that people are looking at you two as you both own the dance floor until the slow song is over then you both leave the dance floor and you sit in a chair as Neo sits on your lap snuggling into your chest quite happily you chuckle from her cuteness you decide to get a drank real quick* you "Neo I'm going to go get a drink would you like some or no you good for now?" *she nods yes and holds a finger up and you go over and get a couple drinks and you start to head back over to see that Cardin's trying to hit on Neo which makes her look extremely uncomfortable so you calmly walk back over kick Cardin full force where the sun doesn't shine and he hits the ceiling and gets stuck in it and you give Neo her punch* you "sorry about the wait Neo." *she nods happy to see you she takes her drink while you forget about Cardin completely as you sit back down and Neo takes her spot of on your lap and is happy leaning back into your chest and you just calmly hold her close to you and she just smiles very happily and you just continue to hold her until Jaune comes in a dress and you start chuckling in amusement as Neo looks like she is laughing as well. You smile happily knowing Neo is enjoying herself then pokes your shoulder to ask you question via paper* Neo "Y/N can I ask you something?" You "you just did Neo." *she pouts adorably at you causing you chuckle* you "go for it Neo." *she writes on a paper and shows you it while blushing* Neo "can we boyfriend and girlfriend?" You "Neo at this point I thought we already were dating so to answer your question Neo yes we can." *her reaction was to full on kiss you as you kiss back quite happily. To only separate for air and then you hear a slow song so you both decide to go back on the dance floor to begin to do the salsa and other various dance types of until Professor Ozpin decides to call for the dance king and Queen* Ozpin " by a landslide the dance King is Y/N L/N." You get several claps which you just wait for the dance Queen to be announced "as well with the dance Queen being Neopolitan." More cheers happen as you and Neo take the stage to take a bow while accepting the crowns to then begin the last dance of the night then leaving right as Cinder enters the ballroom to she sees you and Neo leaving causing her to get slightly nervous until Cardin falls out of the ceiling just to land on Cinder causing the everyone still there to break out in laughter as they see it happen and Cinder groans in annoyance*

Neo's POV

He loves me I'm so happy but how am I going to get him in bed or will I have to wait whatever he's mine now and no one will take him from me or I'll decimate them if they seem to be forcing themselves onto him otherwise I will just be slightly jealous *I kiss him as we enter our dorm room to break the kiss so we can change into pajamas I then decide to grab him while dragging him into bed to snuggle into him very happy about my current situation actually looking forward to the weeklong mission we have to start tomorrow* maybe we will get closer than before I hope so.

Your POV

Why is Neo so adorable oh well just must go to sleep then I can go train or take a shower .... Okay now I'm good to go *you quietly slip out of Neo's grasp and go begin training. You then smell a familiar trio in the school but you don't remember who it is so you decide to go investigate the scents only for you to see Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury so you smile sadistically knowing you could kill them if they try anything to Neo just to claim it is protection of my girlfriend* but first lets scare them a little first and foremost *you approach them silently and quickly just to poke emeralds shoulder from Mercury's side and she smacks him causing him to whisper yell* Mercury "ow hey what was that for!" Emerald "for poking my shoulder." *you quietly snicker then you lightly smack Cinders ass to look up to see her fire slap Mercury causing you to quietly laugh again. You then decide to put your arms around the back of their neck to whisper in their ears* you "so what are you three doing out of prison while in beacon hmmm?" *you feel them freeze in fear while they slowly turn their heads just to see you looking at them sadistically as they look at you now terrified and you smell soiled pants from Mercury* Cinder "why are you here more importantly awake!?!?!" You "simple you three smell of shit as well I am a very good predator especially to little sheep's now little lambs answer the question why are you here also if you are here to harm Neo I will end you three right here right now." Cinder "no no no no were not here to harm Neopolitan were he-" you "upupupup that is all I need to know if you try anything to her I will kill you right here and right now so be careful little lambs." *you vanish from their sights to go back to you to take a quick shower then lay back down with Neo happily*

A/N - and that's a wrap for this chapter and for the second book I'll do what is it you all want me to do or what series or crossover say in the comments and I'll let you know if I can or can't in a reply but anyway hope you enjoyed I'll make chapter 7 on 4/24/2017 or Monday so until then have fun

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