The lost twins reveal

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This is my first story so please take it easy on me. Also dumbledor, Fred, Sirius, Tonks, Remus, dobby and snape are all alive because there death was so hard to handle. Also lavender is alive.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or settings. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling.

It's the year after the war and Hogwarts was about to finish being rebuilt, everyone is waiting to receive their hogwarts letters. Harry was staying with the Weasley's (even though he and Ginny broke up after deciding that they were better off as friends) while Hermione was staying at her parents house alone once since she found out that her parents died. Ginny and Harry have kept her company but she felt like something wasn't right. She sent them away to keep them safe then she finds out there dead, it just wasn't right.

Hermione' pov

Knock knock knock. I walk to the door to open it and find someone I never thought would ever come to my door.
"Hello, I'm looking for Mr and Mrs Granger. Is this their residence?" Said a beautiful, tall woman with night black hair that goes to her waist.
"Unfortunately they no longer alive but I'm there daughter Hermione Granger, is there anything i can do for you on their behalf?" I asked with tears threatening to fall but I held them in.
"Yes I was actually going to talk to them about you. I wish they could have told you themselves but I am Louisa Zabini and I am your biological mother." Louisa replied.
The shock on my face had turned into happiness because I always thought there was something my parents wouldn't talk about but now it makes so much sense, but that means I'm also a pure blood.
"When I gave birth to you I gave you the name Hermione Emia Zabini. You also have a twin brother Blaise, perhaps you have met at Hogwarts. Though other than Blaise and myself there is no one, your father was killed in the war and no, we were never followers of Voldemort. Just because we are pure bloods doesn't mean we follow that evil psycho."

Tell me if this is a good story so far please.

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