The lunch reveal

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Hermione's pov

Today was Blaise and I's birthday. I got ready for the day and went down stairs to find Blaise sitting on the couch. I sat down next to him and hug him saying Happy Birthday while giving him a present and he gave me one in return. After present it was time for breaskfast. It wasn't very busy but Harry, Ginny and I sat next to each other while Ron was snogging Lavender. After breakfast and all the classes it was time for lunch. Everyone gathered in the lunch hall and the food hadn't appeared yet. I saw dumbledor get up to say something. This is it. It's time. I glance over at Blaise and he was watching me along with Draco. I was nervous. " Hello, students and staff. I assume you are all wondering why the food isn't here yet. Well can I please have the head girl and assistant head boy up here please." Dumbledor waited for us to come up to the front, as I got up and looked at Blaise, we started walking. Once we reached the front Dumbledor started talking again. "Everyone please wait for about 10 seconds for the transformation." Everyone looked confused. After 10 seconds, I dropped on the floor in pain and I saw my hair change colour though not from emotion. I saw my skin tan a bit, my eyes burned so I assumed they were changing, I also see my legs get longer. Thank Merlin my feet haven't grown because I have no replacement shoes. I look at myself and see an hourglass figure and my chest grew larger and a flat stomach. I slowly got up and I heard everyone gasp, including, though mine is of lingering pain.
"Woah" that's all I heard from Blaise. I looked around as all the girls looked envious and all the guys kept staring at me like they want me. It was rather creepy actually. Dumbledor placed the sorting hat on my head as he yelled out saying " SLYTHERIN!!!" Everyone started clapping and cheering, the boys were whistling from Slytherin.

 Dumbledor placed the sorting hat on my head as he yelled out saying " SLYTHERIN!!!" Everyone started clapping and cheering, the boys were whistling from Slytherin

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Dumbledor then placed the hat down and started talking again.
"As you may know this girl is Hermione Granger. Her true name is Hermione Emia Zabini. She is Blaise Zabini's twin sister. She only found out before school started. She was adopted so Voldemort wouldn't get take her away." Dumbledor pointed his wand at me and quietly said a spell and my clothes started to fit again. "You two may now sit down. Have a great lunch everyone." As dumbledore finished talking I walk back with Blaise but wanted to sit with my friends. Ginny and Harry smiled at me while Ron looked really amazed and almost slightly obsessed. Lavender glared at me. I raised my eyebrow at her and then ignored her. As I sit down with Pansy and Astoria on the other side with their backs to the rest of the houses on the table and Draco next to Astoria and Blaise next to Pansy. I sat facing them with a lot of seat spaces next to me, I start eating. I then looked up as I saw boys racing each other to sit next to me. I looked at Blaise as he then jumped across the table and broke them up and told them to stop fighting over me, he then sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my head, then started eating. The boys started fighting then Theo froze them all and I laughed when he said "those idiots can't beat me to a seat next to a pretty lady" and he sat next to me and I blushed. My hair turned pink. Everyone gasped as they saw my hair change colour. I heard footsteps behind me. I turned and saw Ginny. She then grabbed my arm and took me out of the food hall.
"Hey Ginny what's up?" I asked.
"Hermione we have a serious problem. Ron just split with lavender and was talking about how he is going to make you his again. He is an idiot but be careful. Ok I'm going to go back now, I'm hungry" I was listening carefully, at first I was worried then at that last bit I laughed. Before I sat down Ginny asked if she could sit with us. I said sure. She then sat next to Blaise and I.
"Hope you don't mind Blaise but can I sit here?" Ginny asked innocently. His hair turned purple and I laughed, his hair then turned pink. "Sure Ginny, sit down." Then in my mind he said 'that was embarrassing, now poeple will know what purple means, even Draco' my hair turned purple at the mention of Malfoy, then red as I realised what he was doing. I yelled,
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Oh yes I would" he said with an evil grin.
"find but if you spill, I spill. I know who you like or should I say love." I said with a smirk more evil than Draco's. That shut him up. Then Draco laughed. My hair turned purple than to white to represent innocence then back to normal. Blaise looked at me and asked what white or platinum blind meant because he has never seen it. I replied with " it represents innocence in a certain topic."


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