The sleepover party games.

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Ginny's pov

Blaise thought it would be a good idea to invite a few friends for a sleepover.
"So I'm going to write the invite sheet so give me ideas once I get the quill and parchment. Accio quill and parchment." A quill and parchment cane flying to me. Soon we decided and the list looked like this.

Hermione and Blaise Zabini

Draco malfoy

Ginny Weasley

Harry Potter

Pansy Parkinson

Astoria green grass

Theo nott

Everyone agreed and the invites went out. Once everyone arrived the party began. Hermione made the veritaserum for truth or dare and I got the bottle ready for spin the bottle. A few muggle games to kick the night off.

No one's pov

Everyone sat in a circle as they waited for Ginny as she was the first to spin. The rules were simple. Whoever the bottle lands on had to say either truth or dare, whoever spins the bottle gets to make the truth or dare. If you say truth you drink the veritaserum and answer a question, if you say dare you do the dare or have to get the bat bogey hex by either Hermione or Ginny. Ginny spun the bottle and it landed on Hermione.

"Hermione truth or dare?" Asked Ginny.

"I am going to say dare" replied Hermione.

" Ok I dare you to kiss the person you love the most, in the room of course."

"Ok" Hermione then walked to Ginny and kissed her cheek.
"You never said it had to be more than friends and you also never said where."

"You definitely are the brightest witch of our age and I'm flattered that you love me the most, but who doesn't."

Everyone laughed. Then Hermione's spun the bottle it landed on Theo.

" Theo, truth or dare?" Hermione wondered if he had the courage to spill or to do.

" I will say truth" Theo answered.

"Ok take a drink" Theo took a drink of the veritaserum ready to answer the truth.
"Ok Theo, who in this room do you want to kiss the most?"

"Pansy" he blushed as she did as well.
"Ok my turn to spin" Theo spun the bottle and it landed on Draco.
"Dear Draco, truth or dare?"

"Umm truth" said Draco as he took a sip of the potion.

"Ok Draco, how long have you LOVED Hermione?"

" I liked her since I first saw her then I loved her since she punched me in third grade, when I realised this I stopped calling you mudblood in the fourth year. Wow I said way too much information. I think I drank too much of the serum." Everyone was schocked at what Draco had told them. Hermione's hair turned purple and Blaise's turned red.
"Ok Change of subject. Let's spin." Draco span the bottle and it landed on Astoria.
"Astoria, truth or dare?"

"Dare for a change since you boys are afraid of action." She said.

"At least we aren't afraid of the truth. "

"Oh really. The truth you couldn't tell dear Hermione for eight years, uh huh, sure. Not scared at all." Astoria said sarcastically.

"Anyways, I dare you to kiss Harry, on the lips"

"Easy" Astoria walked to Harry and kissed him quickly. Time to spin. It landed on Harry.
"Harry truth or dare?"


"Ok I dare you to hug Draco"


"Unless you want Ginny or Hermione to hex you"

"Fine" Harry then gave Draco the most awkward hug ever and Hermione's hair turned green. Blaise started laughing at Hermione. The boys realised. " Hermione what does green mean?"

"Sorry can't say it's not my turn" said Hermione.

"Fine, fine." Harry spun the bottle and it landed on Ginny.
"Ginny truth or dare?"

"Truth" said Ginny. Then she drank some potion and got ready to answer.

" do you know what the green of Hermione's hair means? If so tell me what it means."

" I do know what the green means." Hermione saw that Ginny was in pain trying not to tell Harry what the colour meant.
"But I won't tell you in front of them as you said tell you, not them." So Ginny whispered what he meant in his ear. Blaise's hair turned red.

"Woah that's what it means" he said as he laughed and Hermione hair turned pink.

Ginny spun the bottle and it landed on Pansy.
"Truth or dare Pansy?"

"Dare" came the quick response.

"I dare you to write a love letter to Professor Snape and send it to him."

"Oh my god. No. I would rather get hexed but can I please chose who hexes me and with what spell?"

"Yes you can chose who out of hermione or I but not which spell."

"I can live with that. Ok I choose Hermione to do the hex"

"Ok. Hermione would you do the honours?"

"Of course." Hermione doesn't get her wand she just closes her eyes and says a nonverbal spell without her wand which amazes everyone until they realise that she is 'the brightest witch of our age'. Pansy drops on the floor laughing struggling to breath. That's when Hermione stops the spell. " Well now that I know she's ticklish because she didn't start itching like mad. Pansy your turn to spin."

"Yep. Ok. Next time I will choose Ginny." Pansy spun the bottle and it landed on Blaise.
"Blaise truth or dare?"

"That dare was scary so. Truth." Blaise answered slightly scared as his hair turned yellow. Then he took a drink of the serum.

"Ok Blaise, on a scale of 1 to 10. One being eww gross. Ten being, more than anything in the whole world. How much do you LOVE Ginny?"

"10" Blaise hair turned purple.
"Ok just one more so I can ask then bed. I'm tired." Blaise spun the bottle and it landed on Hermione.
"My dear sister. Truth or dare?"

"I'm going to say dare." Replied Hermione.

"What afraid of the truth?"

"No im just afraid of dares, so I'm getting over my fear."

"Ok, don't hex me. I dare you to kiss Draco until someone speak and it can't be draco because he won't say anything to ruin it or you because its your dare. I will look away and try not to make any sounds."

"Wow." Hermione laughed as he said this. Hermione walked over and sat next to Draco and gave him a kiss and it lasted over five minutes because everyone kept there mouth shut.
After the first three minutes Draco pulled her on his lap. Then after another seven minutes Blaise said,
"Ok geez I thought someone would have talked you can stop now. Oh my god" Blaise started talking to himself as it wasn't loud enough for them to hear, then he turned to see what was happening. They were still kissing she was on his lap and Draco was holding Hermione tighter than when Ron bruised her wrists in the r.o.r. His hair went neon red.
"Get my sister off you! Now! before I kill you." That stopped Draco and Hermione. Blaise walked to Draco and pushed him against the wall. Then Hermione stopped him by convincing him that it was only a dare as her hair was yellow. Blaise hugged her apologised and Draco said,
"Sorry, mate, you came up with it. You could have put her with Potter." Blaise's hair went from red to green to purple to pink then back to normal." Ok, I'm sorry. Next time maybe I will. Just if this happens again, it has to be if you guys are married or have been dating for over two months. That was disgusting."

"Ok then let's go to sleep good night." Yawned Astoria.

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