The morning pranks

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Hermione's pov

I had a great night sleep. I rembered what happened last night and I decided to have a twin troublemaking session but first get dressed and showered. Then Ginny got in. I shook Blaise violently until he woke up.

"Geez Hermione, what's wrong?" Blaise asked as he woke with a start.

"I need your help." I replied as Blaise got up, he had worry in his eyes his hair turned yellow.

"I need your help pranking them to wake up. They are all scattered but if we do the light sleepers first that would be great. Do you know who that is?" Blaise's hair went back to normal.

"I'm starting to like you more and more. Start with Theo then the girls and then malfoy. Then Potter. I don't know if Ginny and Potter are light sleepers though."

"Nothing will wake Harry unless he hears that someone is in danger so he is last and Ginny is in the shower. What should we do with Theo?"

"All I need is a balloon and a pin" I conjured a ballon and a pin. Then Blaise and I sat next to Theo. Blaise held the balloon next to Theo's ear and I popped it with the pin. I watched as Theo woke up with a scream.

"Ahhhhh!!! I hate you! oh my god! who did that!?" Theo yelled. I quickly shut him up by putting my hand over his mouth.

"Be quiet. it's the girls turn." I whispered loudly. I walk over to the kitchen and come back with a bucket full of freezing cold water.
"Blaise would you like to do the honours?" I ask.

"Of course and you can do the next one." He said as he tipped the water on the girls they woke up screaming but nothing came out as I put the silence spell on them learning from my other mistake.

"Hey girls, wakey wakey, rise and shine. I put a silence spell on you two. When I take it off. I want you to not make a sound as I am going to prank Draco. Now shush." They nodded and I took the spell off. I walk over to the kitchen putting the bucket back. I walk back with a can of whipped cream and a feather.
"Ok let's hope this works." I say as I put whipped cream on his hand putting a silence spell on the bottle so it isn't too loud. I then tickle his face with a feather and he slapped his face putting the whipped cream all over it. He woke up and started screaming,
"Ahhh. I'm being attacked by a cloud. Help some one I'm being attacked!" We all laughed as he then tripped over Harry and he woke up. Ginny came in with a towel wrapped wround her.
"What the hell is going on? Is Draco scared of cream? Geez shut up. I'm trying to get changed and all I hear is screaming. Good job though." I see Ginny put her wand and gets rid of the whipped cream. I also see Blaise's hair turn purple and blush madly. Ginny then walks away to get changed.
"Alright who did that to me?" I heard Draco and he sees the can of whipped cream and glared at me.
"Hermione I'm giving you ten seconds to run." He then pointed his wand at Blaise and said,
"Petrificus totalus. You have five more seconds." Blaise fell and I ran out and to the food hall. I opened and saw that everyone was there. I was then run over by Draco followed behind me. I realised he wasn't wearing a shirt. He then got up and chased me around the room then back outside where he caught up to me and grabbed my wrist turned me around. We laughed and he then put his arm around my waist. He leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back and we heard whistles and cheering in the background from everyone. I pulled away and blushed when I saw everyone shouting different things like. ' get a room' and 'he's only half naked, make him fully naked' and other things. Draco and I walked to our common room and when we got inside he told me to wait outside. So I did.

Draco's pov

I walked inside and found Blaise ready for the day and he got up.

Blaise asked me,
"Did you hurt her? Where is she?"

I replied with,
"She outside and I didn't hurt her. I told her to wait outside." He looked at me with relief. I went up to him and sat him down on the couch. "Mate I wanted to ask you something because it's the right thing to do... can I date your sister? Like a serious relationship." I saw Blaise's hair go red then back to normal.

"I'm so angry at you. You ask me if you can date her, now? Geez why couldn't you do it ages ago?" I was so surprised at this.

"So that's a yes?" I asked

"Yeah man, but if you ever do anything to hurt her. I will tear you apart!" I nodded and heard a voice,
"Message received, but before you do that I need to hex him." It was Ginny.

"Ok I accept. Hermione you can come in now!" I watched as Hermione walked in but she was followed by a redhead. My first thought was the weasel king but then I saw another redhead. The twins.
"Hermione. Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure what's up?" Said Hermione, with Fred and George watching us.

"Willyougooutwithme?" I said quicker than the speed of like.

"Umm what? slow down."

"Hermione Zabini. Will you go out with me?" She looked at me and her hair turned purple. She ran up to me and hugged me.

"Of course I will. It took you long enough to ask though." Then the twins came up to me, held out there hands to shake and I took it.

"Well you finally beat me to it. I have always secretly liked Hermione. I only realised while making the amortentia potion. Sorry Hermione for saying this but there isn't much hope for it now but Draco, if you ever hurt Mia, i will kill you myself and I assure you that it will be a pianfull death. Don't worry Mia, I got your back." Fred warned me by confessing his feelings to my girlfriend and how he will protect her to the very end.

I nodded and told him,
"I will protect her till my death"

"Fred, I don't mean to embarrass you or anything but did you know that Mia in Spanish translate to the word 'mine" so by calling her Mia, you are calling her yours." Explained George. I got so angry as Fred's face blushed a deep red to match his hair.

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