Two weeks later

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It was now 15th of september and the four prefects were getting along like best friends. Pansy and Astoria were friends with them now and so was Theo. They were even all friends with Harry. Everyone was having a great time. It was Hermione and Blaise's turn to walk around to make sure everyone was in bed, so they decided to start at the bottom and go up back to the top from there. They got to the third floor and heard sounds. They walked to the cupboard and found Ron and Lavender together, sticking their tounges down each others throats while naked. Hermione looked away, while Blaise told them to go back to the Gryffindor common. They put their clothes on and went back.

Hermione's pov

Blaise and I finished while I was slightly crying. You would only be able to tell by the tears on my face or if you know that my blue hair means sadness. Blaise hugged me and we walked into the common room. I found Ginny reading a quidditch magazine and Draco was asleep. Ginny turned around and saw me crying.
"What happened? Was it Blaise? Was it Ron? Did you get hurt?" She rushed while I sat down next to her and said
"It wasn't Blaise and I didn't get hurt. I found Ron and Lavender together, naked. I-I I just looked away, I saw my hair turned blue and I found myself crying so after we finished we came here." I said while trying hard not to cry. I saw Draco wake up with a start and fall to the floor as Ginny yelled,
"WHAT!? That idiot! I will tear him apart! He is so stupid! Don't worry he doesn't deserve you. You will find someone way better than him." I saw Ginny grab Blaise and walk outside. Draco saw me crying so he immediately got up and hugged me. He then let go of me as Pansy and Astoria knocked on the door. He opened it up and they walked in and hugged me with Pansy asking,
"Ginny looked like she was about to murder someone. What happened? Why was Blaise's hair as red as Ginny's? Oh wait scratch that last bit, I remember now." I laughed and comes down. I pulled out my wand and pointed it at Draco, who looked at me with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes and said
"Oh stop winging, I'm drying your shirt. Geez."

Ginny's pov

I grabbed Blaise's hand and walked out. He asked me what I was doing about a billion times while cursing Ron's name. We reached the slytherin door and knocked until Pansy answered. She looked at Blaise's red hair and Astoria came up from behind and asked what was going on.
"Follow us now!" I felt like punching everything in my sight so when we got there we heard them run in and then I heard Blaise asking,
"What are we going to do?" I was really angry. I then said,
"I'm gathering people that care about Hermione to comfort her. We are going to the Gryffindor common room. I needed a slytherin to open the slytherin one and you need me for the gryffindor one so now shut it and hurry up." I stated whilst running towards the gryffindor common room. Once we arrived I knocked on the door. Luckily Harry opened. I told him "Harry go get Neville, Seamus and Dean. Blaise wait here for them and explain what happened. If they want, bring them up to see her. I will be right back. Luna would want to see Hermione." He nodded and I heard Harry run up the stairs to get the boys. I kiss Blaise on the cheek and leave to see Luna.

Blaise's pov

She kissed me! She actually kissed me! I can tell my hair is Purple so I need to calm down. I saw Harry and Dean, then Neville and Seamus. They came to me and said they all want to see how she is. So I showed them to Hermione and they gave her a hug and Harry said,
"Thanks for looking after her." I nodded and Ginny came through with Luna. Luna hugged Hermione and then Ginny used a secret passage only entered through the heads common room to take everyone back without getting caught or in trouble. My hair turned purple as Hermione hugged me and said goodnight. Then she and Ginny went back to their dorm and so did Draco and I.

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