The heads

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Hermione's pov

I felt this burning feeling on my face as I was falling but then someone caught me. I looked up to see everyone looking at me and Draco leaving the room. Wait.. did I say Draco? I meant Malfoy. I saw malfoy leave the room. I got up and Blaise was making sure I was standing up right. I saw Malfoy come back and say that it was Ron and I got so angry. They all looked like I was an alien. So I got really curious.
"Why are you staring at me?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"Ok guys stop staring it's the effects of the charm preparing to stop. Don't worry Hermione, you still look like Granger but the Zabini twins? Not to brag but we are special. Like Tonks. We can change our hair colour with our emotions. I'm not saying the emotions out loud, so if it turns into the colour for love no one will know for you, also no one tell anyone we are twins. Not until the big reveal on our birthday." He explained. I blushed a little on the second last one.
"So why hasn't your hair colour ever changed?" I asked really curious as I was looking at my hair. He then answered with
"It's because our birthday is in 19 days, so your true form is trying to break free. Your magic is strong and powerful now but with your true form and nothing concealed it will be probably be more powerful than ever. I've also had my whole life trying to get my hair in control, so once you can control your full power, I'm sure you'll be able to control your hair as well." He explained and I said ok. Professor Mcgonagall came in and smiled at my hair, it then turned pink.
"Mr Malfoy and Miss Granger please come with me to my office." Professor Mcgonagall said then walked off expecting us to follow. My hair turned grey than back to normal as we followed.
We reach the head teachers train, where all accompanying teachers reside for the duration of the trip.
"So this year I have decided to put you two as head boy and girl, Mr Zabini and Miss Weasley will be the assistant heads, so they will also share a common room with you. Miss Hranger and Miss Weasley will share a room while you Mr Malfoy will share a room with Mr Zabini. Mr Malfoy can you please wait outside for a moment? Thank you." We both watched as Drac- Malfoy, as Malfoy stepped outside. That's twice. What is happening to me.
"Miss Granger, would you like me to call you Miss Granger until your birthday, then I call you Miss Zabini? I have been told that at lunch is when the reveal will be?" She asked politely. How did she know? I replied with a,
"Yes please that would be great. How did you-... never mind" I went to ask how the professor knew but then realised that it was Mcgonagall. Of course she knew.

Draco's pov

When I found out I was head boy I was so excited then I waited outside the office for Hermione, once she came out we walked back and told our friends the news. They were happy for us then. We all talked about head things and Hermione told Blaise and Ginny they hugged. Blaise's hair turned purple then when he realised Hermione was looking, it went pink. I laughed because the two colours do not suit him.
We all talked the rest of the way until we got to Hogwarts. We then helped the first years to the castle and it was time for dinner. Professor Dumbledor came up and said the start of year speech and presented us to tell everyone we are head boy and girl and that Blaise and Ginny were the assistant heads. A lot of people kept yelling at me until Dumbldor silenced them. After dinner, Professor Dumbledor showed us to the heads common room and our dorms saying the password was twins. Twins, wow. The dorms were great, big and spacious, enough space that I will be able to study on my own and not have to worry about Ginny and Blaise snogging in the future. The one downside to the dorms? It's Christmas themed all year, but that doesn't mean presents all year.

Ginny' pov

After dumbledor told us the password was twins, Hermione and I went to inside to see the common room was bright red and green to represent the two house colours. It was amazing. A bit Christmas themed but also not too much. Then I heard the boys come in. Us girls went into our dorm and found two queen size beds and on one side a book shelf on the other side a quidditch stand for trophies and and a broom stand. It was amazing. They hit the nail on the head when it comes to our comfort. Hermione and I ran back down stairs and we almost ran into the boys trying to beat each other to the couch.

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