The story has been told.

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Ginny' pov

I was playing Quittich with the boys as we all saw an unfamiliar black bird coming towards me. We paused the game as the bird sat on my broom holding its leg out for me to take the letter, so I do. As I read the letter, I fly down to the ground and ran inside, while the boys were calling my name and chasing me. I got inside and gave the letter to my mum and mum asked me,
"Is the owl still here?" I nod and she replied,
"We'll write her back a letter and tell her that you are coming to apparate. Also don't tell the boys just yet."
"Don't tell us what? Ginny what is going on?" Ron was asking questions with a bit of annoyance.
"Sorry Ron, I have got to go. Top secret mission. Bye guys." I hoped they wouldn't fight back.
"Bye Ginny." The boys all shouted in unison with very curious gazes as to where I is going and why. I'll tell them soon.

Hermione's pov

Crack. I heard a loud crack and turned around to see Ginny. She was worried then relieved than curious. She came next to me and hugged me. Then she opened her mouth to speak.
"Hermione?  I saw the note and came here immediately. How are you holding up? Wow, this room is amazing. Why are you staying at the Zabini's?" She rushed as she spoke.
"Calm down Ginny, I'm staying here because this is where I live now, I'm a Zabini. I'm Blaise Zabini's twin sister and I know that I don't look like him and that's because I have a concealmeant charm on me hiding my true looks. So on my 18th birthday at Hogwarts I will look like my true self. I am fine, please don't tell the boys though, I want it to be a surprise." I explained as Blaise walked in and froze. Ginny then looked at him and hugged him and said,
"You better look after her, if you don't I'll send my famous bat bogey hex on you."
I laughed as I saw him blush and after Ginny let go he ran out of the room. She joined in laughing with me.
"Hermione, I have to go because the boys are worried, I won't tell them but I have to finish the game or they will suspect something really bad has happened. I'll see you soon." she explained and I felt grateful she was my friend. "Thanks Gin. You are the greatest friend anyone could ever have." I told her. She, as I suspected she would, replied with a,
"Yeah, I know I am". Then she apparated and left. I went to my bed and fell asleep.

Blaise's pov

I walked in on the girls and I saw Ginny. She came up to me and hugged me! I was so happy! "You better look after her or I'll send my famous bat bogey hex on you" she said to me. After we let go I blushed and ran out of there. She is so violent. Is it weird that I find her even mite attractive though? I stood at the door and waited for Ginny to leave and as she did I walked back in only to find Hermione sleeping on the bed. I walked out and saw Draco, Astoria and pansy. We all went to the muggle movie room and watched a movie, even if they were hesitant, they couldn't deny how awesome muggle movies were.

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