To the train of hogwarts

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Hermione's pov

The past week has been great I have gotten to know Pansy, Draco and Astoria. They are all now my friends and they are great to be around.
Tomorrow is when we get on the train for hogwarts, so today, Blaise and I are going shopping at Diagon Ally. We were almost done when we run into Harry, Ron and Ginny. Ginny looks happy, Harry looks confused and Ron looks angry. Oh no. This can't turn out well.
"Hi guys, how are you?" I ask as Ginny replies with good and Ron says something along the lines of,
"Hermione, what are you doing with this snake?" He asked.
"Everyone this is Blaise and he and I are getting supplies for school and I have something exciting to tell you." I say as I smile and Ron is getting impatient, Ginny stands next to me and Harry is still confused. Then Ginny blurts out
"Hermione is Blaise's twin sister because she was adopted." Wow. You know those slow head turns people do in muggle movies? I'm pretty sure I just did that. She would be horrible under interrogation. I start laughing as she says sorry for telling them, I tell her it's fine. Harry came up to me and says
"Hermione I'm so happy for you, you just lost your parents and I know how hard that is but you found you real parents. I'm so happy for you."
"Thanks Harry. That really means a lot to me." I look at him and smile with absolute joy when he said that, I also hugged him. Ron, still red in the face, came up to me and said
"Hermione, we are over. I'm going out with lavender. I have been cheating on you and only staying because I felt sorry for you but now you are a traitor." I looked at him and my smile turned into a frown as tears were piling up in my eyes. Blaise and Ginny went up to him Blaise punched him while Ginny hexed him with the famous bat bogey hex. She really was the master of it. She hugged me as I walked tears threatening to leak, with Harry on the other side and Blaise on the other side of Ginny. In the background, if you listened closely among the noisy streets, you can still hear an angry Ron, nose bleeding, shouting profanities about me stealing his sister and being a traitor. I thanked Harry and Ginny then Blaise took me home and I slept the rest of the day.

Blaise's pov

I saw how upset my sister was so I walked up to Ron and punched him then Ginny hexed him and we went back to comfort her. I was so mad, how dare he even lay a hand on her. Such disrespect calls for punishment. She thanked Harry and Ginny then apparate back to the house. She then cried herself to sleep and slept for the rest of the day.

In the morning, I woke up to Hermione getting ready. Once I got ready we went downstairs and she said
"Thank you, for yesterday." Then Draco came in and said
"What happened yesterday?"
"He's still here?" I heard Hermione whisper. I then tried to shut him up as he kept coming up with ideas on what happened and I could see that Hermione was upset, after Draco realised he was making her upset, he said sorry and pulled me aside.
"Dude, what happened yesterday? To make her cry it must have been something." He asked. I told him what happened. He then said good job to me and apparated.

Draco's pov

I listened to Blaise's story then apparated to the Weasley's burrow. I saw Ginny getting her trunk ready. I went up there and said
"Good job for yesterday, he deserved it" she then smiled and said
"I know. Can you please tell Blaise to wait for me at the platform? I was wondering if Hermione and I could sit with him? I guess you can come to, you're still a git though." I nodded then apparated. I saw Blaise and he asked
"Please tell, me you didn't do anything to him." I reassured him and told him my conversation with Ginny he blushed and said
"That would be fine, I will go tell Hermione"
As he walked off I chuckle and whisper,
"Oh I think it would be more than fine." I then apparated back home. He definitely has a crush on Ginny.

At the platform, No ones pov

Hermione, Blaise, Draco, Theo, Pansy and Astoria were waiting for Ginny to arrive. Once she did she was walking with Harry and asked if he could join for Hermione then they all nodded. People were staring at them but they didn't care. Once they got inside they all settled in a compartment. After The first hour Luna came and joined them with Nevill. Everyone squished in for them and hermione said she will sit on the floor for them and Blaise said
"Ok. I will sit with you."
I replied while laughing.
"Oh such a gentleman" he said 'I try' and Hermione grabbed her head and said
"What was that?" Blaise looked so surprised and then realised what she meant and replied with,
"We can talk through our minds it's a thing twins can do but we like to keep it secret so everyone in this compartment don't tell anyone. Ever." With his warning everyone nodded and went back to the conversation. Hermione saw someone looking through the clouded window and got up to check who it was. The person then slapped her making her fall backwards before she hit the floor Blaise caught her and Draco went after the person. He came back and said
"It was the weasel king. Don't worry we will get him back" Harry gasped and everyone else was thinking of ways to beat up Ron, even Ginny.

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