April 1,2012

68 1 0

Dear journal,

I really haven't been writing. The funny thing is i have a lot to write about but just can't seem to form a sentence for the words. I've found out some secrets my family has withheld but still don't understand why is was a secret in the first place.

Like the first secret is my dads. He lied to me of his birth place. Which doesn't make since because it's not a big deal. I thought my parents told me everything but i'm wrong. So wrong.

The second secret is my mother's. She lied about her maiden name. I don't  even have the slightlest clue why. My brother knows but he refuses to tell me. Said it wasn't his secret to tell.

I wish i didn't know these things because they are just a burden to carry. I'm going to ignore them like i never knew they existed. Maybe it's for the best.

Things seem so perfect and clear but up close and underneath it's just dirt and cracks.



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