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I uploaded a prologue for my story a little bit ago, but I have revised my plans on this story to make it flow better. Hope you enjoy!



"Joshua Mason, get your tiny behind down here! Breakfast is on the table for you," Blake yelled up the stairs. Her young boy rushed down, skipping the last step. He gave his mom a nice big grin, his shaggy brown hair falling over his eyes. Blake gave a sweet smile, using her fingertips to softly lift the hair off of his face. "You need a haircut, young man."

Josh's soft blue eyes had a green rim around the pupil. They sparkled with a naive innocence as he looked up at his mom. Blake's heart swelled with grief as she thought about what was going to happen today.

"Mommy, I like my hair the way it is." He gave a small pout.

"Sit down and eat before I kick your butt," Blake poked him in the stomach. They sat down together and ate the eggs and bacon across from one another. They stared at one another with an intent to win the war, each with a single eyebrow raised. A smile crept onto Joshua's face.

They both burst into laughter. These were the times in Blake's life that she understood the magic of having a child. As their laughter died down, they looked at each other. Joshua's green eyes radiated with love and hope, filling his mom with a sort of joy to live every day.

Blake picked up his Spongebob Squarepants backpack and placed it on his back. He was the love her life, the one and only man she'd ever want in her life. She kissed his forehead softly, guiding him out the door.

"Alright, it's time to head off to school and I have to head to work. I'll walk you to the stop today." She said softly. They walked half a block to Joshua's stop and stood there and talked before the bus arrived.

The day was cloudy and very humid, causing both Blake and Joshua's hair to frizz up and curl. There was an eerie silence around them. It made Blake's skin crawl as if there was danger nearby. She looked around.


She shook off the feeling for the time being. "Mr. Mason," Blake said in a patronizing tone. "Make sure you remember to say goodbye to all you're friends and teachers. I already have your things packed."

Joshua frowned. "But do we have to go? I like it here this time.." Tears welled up in his eyes. I know... Blake thought. Blake and her son moved every 2-3 years to a different city, or even sometimes state since she was paranoid that someone was still after her.

"I'm sorry, Joshua... I swear next time is the last time we move. I'm only doing this for your safety." The boy stared up at his mother but nodded. Joshua's lower lip quivered at the thought.

Blake nudged his shoulder. "Do you remember the time I scraped my knee when we went rollerblading?" Joshua looked up and gave her a slight nod. "What did you tell me when I almost started crying?"

"That... That everything gets better and to not cry..." He said as he wiped a tear that escaped. Joshua gave her mom a big smile, making her pinch his cheeks before the bus squealed to a stop in front of them and flung the doors open.

"Have a fantastically amazing day at school today, my little bug," She gave her son a small shove into the school bus. "I'll be right here waiting for you afterward." He laughed, giving her a big hug and a kiss before hopping on the bus and leaving. Blake sighed to herself, praying for her boy's safety today.

The strange feeling she had at the stop followed her all the way home. Blake placed her hand on her holstered gun that attached to her hip. A bolt of energy shot up her spine like lightning as she turned around, her pistol locked and loaded.

There was only silence. She could only hear her own breath heaving. I must be going crazy... Blake said to herself as she lowered her gun. To her right was a nice ol' Mrs. Olivia watering her lilies as she stared in confusion at the young lady.

"Err, don't fret, Mrs. Olivia. I just had to, uh, practice my technique for an upcoming tutoring session." She applauded herself mentally. Blake's neighbor only shook her head and continued with her business.

Blake cleared her throat and straightened her blazer before she quickly rushed to her home and locked the door behind her.


The day was slow, partially because of how anxious Blake was to go back to Santa Barbara.

Joshua got home at around four swinging open the door and giving his mom a huge bear hug. Blake couldn't help but think about the day he stops greeting her like that. She hugged back with everything she could.

"MOMMY!" He yelled excitedly. He was like a little puppy.

"Hello, my love," Blake planted a light kiss on his forehead. "You ready to go?"


With Joshua passed out in the back seat of the car, Blake and him made their way to their next home in her favorite city, Santa Barbara. Her eyes glowed as bright as the blue sky as she hummed a catchy tune that played on the radio. Blake's eyes scanned the horizon, not a car to be seen for miles. She looked back at her son, to see his head drooped down. The mother couldn't help but smile.

Blake could hear his son's soft snores and it made her heartache.

About half an hour went by before Josh finally came to, his dangling head lifted from his chest and he yawned. "Are we there yet, Mommy?" Blake glanced at him in the rearview mirror, seeing his half-lidded eyes staring expectantly at her.

"Not quite," she said with a chuckle.

Looking back at the road, every ounce of hope she held onto all these years was ripped away from her. It was like her heart was stabbed with a corkscrew and torn right out of her chest. A large red truck barreled towards her and the last thing she had left, and she wished she had just stayed at home with her baby.

The world around her slowed down in an instant. Blake screamed, jerking the steering wheel to the right, swerving them off the road as the truck rammed into the back half of the car. The car was sent spiraling off-road, leaving Blake to cry.

She could hear her boy scream, but before she could do anything, the crying stopped. Blake's hearing was fuzzy; all it was was static and the vibration of her yells. Her body was cut up and hurt. She turned around and saw Josh, completely crushed between the car's sides.

All Blake could do was yell and cry. She couldn't move, but she could stare at her son's now mangled body. Her screams could be heard from a mile away; she cursed God for doing this to her. For taking away everything she ever cared about.

Why was the world so cruel? Why did it always end up with someone she loved dying?

Joshua was with her parents and Blake couldn't do anything about it. At that moment, she wished God had taken her life instead of his. Joshua didn't deserve this fate, and she was barely injured.

The blue-eyed woman cried Bloody Murder with her body completely numb to the unbearable amount of pain she should be in. A firetruck rolled in, the men and women hopping off the truck to cut her out of the destroyed car.

Sadly enough, the semi that caused this accident was nowhere to be seen.

They pried open the door, seeing Blake's bloody face, tears running down her flushed cheeks. She looked at them, her lungs seeming to collapse in her chest. "Please kill me..." She begged with whatever strength she could muster.

She blacked out.



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