Bite Your Tongue

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Blake, Shawn, and Gus arrived at Victoria's house, which was small and cute like something Blake had been looking in to, since a two story 3-bedroom house felt a little bit too big for one person. Guard dogs barked from the backyard, wooden beams attached to the walls to prevent the house from collapsing, and bars covered the door and windows.

"I still can't believe that the Del Taco was closed today," Shawn kicked a beer can out of the sidewalk and into the grass in frustration. All three of them were at some degree upset that they couldn't eat before talking to the parents.

Blake bent down and picked up the can, tossing it into the recycle bin the sat at the edge of the street. "Neither can I, I mean, what kind of demons would do something like that?" They all walked towards the front door together.

"Today's Good Friday." Gus said bluntly as he knocked on the door. Blake and Shawn mouthed Oooooh together before the door swung open. A beautiful older woman opened the door, her eyes puffy from crying and dark hair in a high bun. Her daughter resembled her in many ways from what Blake could recall. Her heart ached for this mother who was obviously in terrible distress.

Blake spoke up, putting out a hand to shake. "Hello, Mrs. Soto, I'm Detective Mason, and these are my associates Shawn Spencer and Burton Guster from the Santa Barbara Police Department." She signaled to her friends behind her. "We are here to talk to you about your daughter Victoria."

"Yes of course," She said shaking Blake's hand. The woman's Puerto Rican accent was thick and shaky. "Please, come in, your coworkers are speaking to my husband." Mrs. Soto opened the door wider; the three adults filed into the house to see Carlton and a blonde Junior Detective sitting across from who seemed to be Mr. Soto. Carlton's gaze never left Blake, and she could feel it as soon as she entered.

The house had an intense cigar smell that made Blake's nose cringe and her lungs clog up. For how it looks on the outside, it was tidy on the inside. It was as well kept as they could manage it seemed. Even the furniture had the classic plastic covering every inch. Their home felt very comfortable.

"What are you people doing here," Carlton scowled at the three persons that walked in after Mrs. Soto.

Blake smirked at him, holding up the badge that Chief Vick had given her. "Chief just put us on the case." The women besides Carlton smiled to herself. Blake winked at her before continuing. "Is that going to be an issue, Detective?"

Carlton's jaw clenched. "Not at all, Mason." He ground his teeth, before turning back to Mr. Soto and continuing his questions.

Blake walked over to the Junior Detective next to Carlton and shook her hand, "Blake Mason, it's a pleasure meeting you, Ms..."

"O'Hara," she answered quietly. "Juliet O'Hara. I've heard a lot about you. You're the talk of the town back at the department; I've been really excited to meet you."

"I sincerely wish I could say the same, you're a doll." Blake grinned before standing upright.

Juliet grabbed Blake's hand, stopping her thoughts. "Can I just say," she said. "You are gorgeous." Blake touched her scar softly with her free hand. It's been a long time since a stranger complimented her after the accident.

Blake looked into Juliet's eyes, which gleamed at her with a hope that Blake could only dream of. She softly gripped Juliet's hand, resisting with all her might to pull her into a hug.

Blake has been empty for so long in her life. She has had so many bouts of hopelessness and overall hatred for the life she was living. Ever since Shawn ran her over, her love for herself and for life in general grew ten-fold; her heart swelled, her eyes formed tears of joy, her emotions stopped taking over her body to the point where she couldn't even think.

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