Knock Knock

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Shawn sat alone at the booth. He pushed too far once again, it seemed like he'd never learn.

He slapped himself on the forehead. "Shit!"

The people around him continued to whisper and gossip about what happened between him and Blake looked over at him again.

Shawn left a tip on the table and left. He couldn't stop thinking about what Blake said back at the coffee shop. What happened to her while she was gone? Shawn knew that Blake told him not to pry, but he had to know what happened.

He made it back to the Psych office right before Gus was ready to leave. Monster energy drinks riddled the floor, both of their desks were completely covered in papers from the investigation Chief Vick assigned them last week. The office reeked of old pizza and coffee.

"Oh you're back," Gus said as he threw away his dinner. "How was your date with your 'mystery woman'?" Shawn flopped down on the couch, digging his face into his hands as he groaned in annoyance.

"I messed up, man," Shawn mumbled. "I really did."

"Was it that bad?" Gus asked, sitting down next to him.

"Yes!" Shawn was still shocked at what went down.

"What happened?"

"I ran into Blake Mason in the store when I forgot milk for our ultra chocolatey Cocoa Puffs a few days ago. Literally! I accidentally shoved her over. She invited me to coffee before leaving me in the dust. My sweet baby Jesus, she's gorgeous, Gus. She has like this badass scar down her face, and honestly, it kind of suites her. Her eyes are the same, her hair is ridiculously long, the one thing that really threw me off was how sad she looked." Shawn took a deep breath. "I noticed her keychain and it was from that one Italian restaurant downtown, Michelangelo's, so I figured I could find her there. She's the owner, which was surprising to say the least. Anyways, we went out to coffee after she closed up and I might have asked her about her scars that she has all over her body and, before you say anything, I do know how stupid that was. Considering she snapped at me right after I continued to ask, even after she warned me to stop, it must've been really serious." Gus took in all this information. It was a lot to think about.

"Wow... I can't believe Blake is back in town," Gus raised his eyebrows as he leaned back into the couch. "Do you have any idea about what's up with all her scars?"

"Not really," Shawn replied. He scratched his head. "From what I could tell, they're about 5 years-" He paused. Gus stared at him expectantly.

"What do you remember, Shawn?"

"I'll explain tomorrow, I have some research to do." Shawn leapt to his feet.

"No, Shawn," Gus shook his head. "I know what you're thinking. You are not going to dig into her past!"

Shawn sat in his chair and opened up his laptop. "Well how am I supposed to help if I don't know what happened to her?"

"That's the thing, Shawn. You leave the situation alone and you move on. She doesn't want you're help, so quit being an ass and follow instructions for once." Gus closed slapped his computer closed. Shawn gasped at him.

"How dare you," Shawn said offended.

"How about you focus on our actual case instead of blatantly disobeying your best friend's wishes." Shawn sighed.

"Fine," he raised his hands in defeat. "You're right."

"Thank you. Now, I'm going home and I suggest you do the same." Gus picked up his bags and left the office.

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