It's a Date

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"Ashley, did you get that order of salmon out to table 5?" Blake shouted into the kitchen of her restaurant.

"Yes, chef," The blonde girl replied sternly. The sink was filled with dirty dishes and the back was a complete mess. Tonight, only Blake and Ashley showed up, even though Blake wasn't even supposed to go in that day. The side wall was painted a deep mahogany; artwork hung on the walls all throughout the restaurant. They both were so lucky that today wasn't as busy as normal because then there probably would have been food all over the walls.

"Thank you, ma'am." Blake took in a deep breath as things began to slow down. A few days had passed since Shawn and Blake saw each other at the grocery store. She was actually really looking forward to it, so when he never called, it kind of disappointed her. Blake smiled to herself as she remembered high school field trips with Shawn and Gus. They were always getting into trouble, even when Blake tried her best to stay out of it.

Blake was snapped out of her thoughts when the bell at the front door rang exactly a minute before closing. Blake cursed under her breath before greeting the customer.

"Welcome to Michelangelo's, can I get you a table or a booth." She looked up to see Shawn smirking down at her and gave a heavy sigh of relief. Blake smiled softly. "Oh thank god, it's just you."

"I figured I would stop by and take you up on your offer," Shawn said, rocking on his heels while he gave the place a look. "Nice place you've got here."

Blake hissed softly. "I'm actually a bit busy right now."

"I don't see why." He raised an eyebrow and put two fingers to his head. "Everything's been wiped down, you already locked the safe for the night. You were filing your nails when I walked in." Blake stared at him confused.

She pressed her lips together. "One, what was all this about," she mimicked his motions.

"I may or may not be a Psychic Detective," Shawn replied with a sly smirk on his face.

Blake rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something but she caught herself. "You know what, you can explain later. You caught me either way, just let me just tell Ashley what to finish up on and we can go." She pushed passed Shawn, making her way back to the kitchen.

"Sounds like a plan to me, Mason." She scowled at him over her shoulder and pushed through the swinging doors.

Shawn stared at Blake as she made her way across the restaurant. She had a slight limp in her walk; Shawn could see jagged scars all around Blake's ankle when her jean rode up her leg. He definitely had so many questions for her. Where had she been all this time? Why didn't she ever call?

Shawn sighed. He couldn't help but reminisce about his feelings for her that started in middle school. When she left after her parent's murder, Shawn tried asking his dad about her but he refused. Henry never wanted to talk about it again after that. He loved Blake like a daughter so when she left, it really bruised him in places you couldn't see.

Blake stood by her while Ashley checked out Shawn.

"Who is that," Ashley swooned. Blake rolled her eyes. She peered through the window with her.

"An old friend," Blake replied. "It's Shawn, actually." He had gel in his hair and had a clean shave. She kinda missed the shadow though.

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