Talk about the Past

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Juliet looked out the window thoughtfully as she and her partner rode in silence towards the Santa Barbara Police Department. She was never one for awkward confrontation, especially with Lassiter. Lassiter was never one to speak up about... anything really. They usually rode in silence unless Juliet had some questions to ask.

As they raced down the street, Juliet studied her partner's face carefully. His jaw clenched and unclenched, as if he was seriously thinking about what to do. He usually only had that look when Shawn got under his skin, but they didn't exchange any words at the Soto house or the crime scene.

Something else was bothering him and Juliet had a feeling it was because of Blake.

"What are you looking at O'Hara?" Lassiter's question sounded more like a statement than anything. His tone was stern, but somehow filled with sadness. Juliet worked with him for long enough to tell the difference between his stern voices.

"Nothing," she averted her eyes and pursed her lips, letting out a loud and heaving sigh. "I'm just curious as to what happened at the Soto house that's on your mind is all. You know, cause you're my partner and we don't keep secrets from each other." Juliet swayed her upper body side to side expectantly. Lassiter groaned as he rolled his eyes. There was no avoiding the questions that will eventually barrage him.

Lassiter glanced over at her for a split second before concentrating on the road once again. "Whatever questions you have now, you better ask before I change my mind." Juliet lit up like the sun on an early morning, thankful at this opportunity she was given.

"Who is Blake to you?" Of course, that would be the first question she asks, Lassiter sighed to himself. He groaned inwardly before giving in.

"We definitely have a past with one another. That much is obvious by our encounter today at the Soto house." Lassiter swallowed hard and loosened his tie. "I met her a really long time ago when I lived in El Segundo and worked at the department over there before being transferred. One thing led to another and we started dating. We were together for about 4 years before..." Lassiter paused, slowing down to make a turn into the department parking lot.

"Before what?" Juliet asked. Lassiter sighed, contemplating whether he should continue or not. Even after all that, it was extremely difficult to express and tell someone about his past with Blake. The woman that shattered his heart into a million pieces before it even completely healed again.

"We were about to be married. She left me at the altar and I never saw her again," He put the car in park, and unbuckled his seatbelt. "Until today. And now I have to watch that idiot Spencer drool all over her!" Juliet could hear him beginning to choke up on his words. The man that is never shaken was breaking before her eyes.

"Oh Carlton..." She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. Is that what you two were talking about when she pulled you aside?" He nodded.

Lassiter looked up at Juliet to meet her eyes. He quickly looked away and rubbed his eyes. "She was apologizing to me about it all. She told me that she thought is was the best for me and her son Joshua if she broke it off and admitted that she was wrong for doing it in the manner she did. She was going to tell me something about Joshua before the news about Josue Reyes came in," Lassiter pulled the key from the ignition and tightened his tie once more.

"I'm going to figure out what it's all about."


Blake straightened her blazer. "Okay Shawn, please let me do all the talking."

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