Fix it or I won't

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This chapter is dedicated to a new friend of mine @januarylily! She made me an amazing poster, go read her Psych story if you haven't already!

Enjoy the story!


Shawn wished that Blake would've told him the whole truth about her past. He watched her focus on the road ahead of them, not taking a single glance away from it. Blake's blue eyes captivated him in ways no other woman ever has, but now as each day goes by their light dimmed more and more.

He knew about it all. About the accident, about her son. Holding all this information in his chest was driving Shawn insane. He may have told his dad after finding out, but even then, just thinking about the pain she must have gone through, especially since she already lost her parents before Joshua.

Now that he thought about it, his dad didn't seem too surprised. Blake probably already told him everything when she visited.

Shawn took out his phone.

To: Black Magic

meet me at the station. im on my way there with Blake – Snoop Dawg

Why? – Burton Guster

i need you to distract Blake while i snoop around her car – Diddy Bop Wop

There is no way I'm helping you dig through our best friend's car, Shawn! – Burton Guster

ill buy you dinner later – Man Made Awesome

Stop it with the stupid names. I'll be there soon. – Burton Guster

Shawn smirked and put his phone back into his pocket. A few minutes of silence went by and his focus went back to Blake. He examined her scars once more. The more he looked, the more he could find all over her face and arms and though he couldn't see her legs, considering the circumstances of the accident, they were probably a lot deeper than any on her upper body.

"Like what you see, Spencer?" Blake asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, never taking her eyes off the road. Crap, he was staring for a bit longer than he wanted to. Shawn raised an eyebrow suggestively, a smile also playing in his lips.

"No doubt about it, Mason." He replied. Blake laughed softly, hitting Shawn's arm.

"Watch yourself, baby, I don't think you'll be able to handle me." She glanced over and winked at him. Shawn looked away as he suppressed a smile. Blake pulled into the Department parking lot and put the car in park. Blake heaved a sigh. "We're here, lover boy. Let's get inside and see if the coroner found anything on the body."

"I'm right behind you, just give me a minute."

"Your call," Blake shrugged. She took the key out of the ignition and left the car. "Be sure to lock it before you come in."

Shawn gave her a thumb up and watched as she walked into the department. He took a deep breath. He looked to his left to see Gus pull up right beside him. Shawn sighed and opened the door for Gus.

"Really man? You couldn't have been at least a little bit faster?" Shawn said, opening the glovebox.

"I was in the middle of my route, Shawn. This was a detour."

"Whatever. Just forget it. And forget about dinner."

Gus clicked his teeth. "What are you looking for, anyways?" Gus asked as Shawn tossed the owner's manual to the side.

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