An Old Flame

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Welcome back, hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to vote and leave a review with your criticisms and opinions! This is quite the long chapter.

(Trigger Warning: Scenes of Rape)



A strong hand grabbed Blake's bicep, bruising her arm as he squeezed tighter. He lashed her around and slammed her against the brick wall beside them. The man held her head against the wall, pressing his body against hers as he gripped her throat.

"Let me go!" Blake struggled to breathe. "I'm armed!" She kicked her assailant in the shin as she attempted to grab her gun. He took hold of her gun and chucked it down the alley. He laughed at her as Blake struggled under his grasp. The man's laugh was menacing; it shook Blake to her core. Sweat dripped down her forehead as she took deep, heaving breaths.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you, gorgeous." His breath was heavy, filled with malus. Blake felt the bile riding up her throat as if she could throw up any second.

He threw her into his van and ripped off her uniform. Blake closed her eyes as she cried for help. He bit her lip; she could hear his pants unzip. Her hope faded as he took advantage of her frail body, digging his greasy nails into her shoulder, causing her to scream in agony. The one thing she thought could never happen to her made her feel as if she was never strong, to begin with; she could only think about how she hoped this man above her died a horrible death for doing this.

"No," she pleaded.

"No!!" Blake sat up from her bed with a start, gripping her covers frantically. Her room was silent, the crickets outside her window chirped happily, the sun beamed into her eye. She squinted in discomfort. The bed squeaked underneath her as she looked around her room before flopping back down onto her bed.

12 years ago and it still haunted her nightmares. Blake refused to cry. She felt weak as it was, crying seemed to be the only thing she could do. She fumbled for her phone and called Ashley.

"Hey Blake," the girl said. "What's up?"

"Ash, you're in charge today. I'll make sure to email everyone, but I just wanted to let you know first." Blake said groggily, still dazed from her dream.

"No problem, babe," Ashley replied. "Is everything alright?"

"I don't know," Blake replied. This was true; she didn't know whether or not she was alright. She only felt numb, seeing this same scene played over in her head all the damn time. Blake lost herself many times in her life, and that moment was no exception.

"Alright." Ashley interrupted Blake's thoughts. "Well, I've got everything covered here. Don't worry one bit, just focus on getting better."

Blake smiled. "Thank you so much, call me if anything." They said their goodbyes and ended the call. As soon as it dropped, loud banging arose from her front door. Blake groaned in frustration. The banging continued from when she got up until she made it to the door.

She flung the door open to see Shawn and Gus standing in front of her, grinning from ear to ear. She stared at them for a moment, noticeably uncomfortable. "What do you idiots want," she asked. They pushed past her. One night out and they think they can waltz into my house, she thought. I wonder what its gonna be like after today. They seem to be very excited.

Guster plopped himself onto the couch and grabbed a handful of candy that sat on the coffee table. Shawn clapped and rubbed his hands together, turning to face Blake. Blake eyed them suspiciously, there was no way that she was doing any stupid plan they made up. It's been about 3 weeks since Shawn found Blake back in town. They've been hanging out nearly every day since then, catching up on all that has been happening.

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