The One Where They (Almost) Kiss

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         Blake didn't look back at the house after leaving. How could she? She betrayed Carlton's trust. He had done so much for her in the past, even helped raise Joshua for a lot of his short life, yet she couldn't show him any respect to even tell him what happened. How could she possibly forgive herself for everything she had done? Her parents' and son's murderer ruined everything. She simply didn't want to face anyone after that confrontation; it would only break her more than she already was.

         She felt as if her world was falling apart at the seams. She felt as if the muscles in her legs were turning into rocks as walking to her car became harder and harder.

"Blake," a voice interrupted behind her. "Please wait." Someone gently grabbed her arms and pulled her back towards him. He hugged her from behind, digging his face into the crook of her neck. She stood paralyzed against the warmth on her back.

She gave an anxious chuckle. This was a sentiment that she hadn't felt in a very long time. She could feel her heart racing in her chest. "Shawn, what do you think you're doing?"

He didn't respond, but the silence between them was a comforting one. It felt like they were standing there for ages. Blake felt as if she was absorbing energy from his hug; her head hung low, finally giving in and enjoying this comforting feeling.

         Shawn finally released her and spun her around to face him. He looked deep into her eyes, putting his hand to her cheek and tracing her scar with his thumb. "Are you going to talk to me about what happened in there?" Shawn's voice was full of concern, though he knew exactly what happened in that room. He couldn't help but be concerned for her; this must have brought up so much past trauma.

         Blake closed her eyes and, against her heart's pleading, pulled away from his touch.

"As I said before, Carl- Detective Lassiter and I have a history together. It was a matter of time that he would have questions about what happened while we were apart." Shawn raised an eyebrow at her answer. "Shawn, what else do you want me to say?"

"I want you to tell me the truth. Your truth. You don't have to tell me now, but if we are going to be a team, you have to let me in eventually." Blake didn't want to admit it, but he was right.

Though she knew that, she followed up his statement with a scoff. "You don't need to know anything. Stop acting like you know what's best for me." She tried to storm off, but Shawn stopped her in her tracks.

"Stop trying to run away! Where has running away from your problems gotten you, Blake? You don't even have to answer that for me to tell you it's gotten you nowhere. You've run away from friends and people you probably used to consider family, but that has led you to where you are right now. Broken and thinking that you are alone in the world when you are really not. All the people you've hurt by running and pushing them away are still here for you because they..." He paused for a second to catch his breath. "We love you. And we always will."

Blake stared at her friend wide-eyed, at a complete loss for words. Shawn stared back at her with a scary intensity in his eyes. Well, not necessarily scary, but the amount of love and care Blake saw in his eyes terrified her just as much. Her eyebrows furrowed as she reached to cup Shawn's cheek gently. She looked at him deep in his eyes and gave a soft sigh. Shawn wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close. Their faces were barely 2 inches apart; she could feel Shawn's gentle breath graze her lips. For that one moment, the world disappeared around them.

"I don't want you to run away anymore, Blake." Shawn's voice wavered. "I don't know what I'd do if you left me again."

Blake sighed and pulled away from this position they put themselves into. "I don't want to run away anymore. And you're right about me."

"Yeah, I know I'm right-," He said. "Wait a minute," Shawn said abruptly. "Did you just agree with me?" Blake rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I did, you idiot." She shoved him away jokingly. "You're right about most of it. But you got one thing wrong; I don't think I'm alone in this world. I run because I know there are people who still care about me, and I'm terrified of losing them. I've lost my parents and my son, and I don't think I can take another heartbreak in my life."

Shawn mentally took a step back; he couldn't believe she actually said that to him. That she actually mentioned Joshua to him without a second thought. He wanted to hold her right then and there, but he refrained. "Your son?" he stuttered. What could he say? He was at a loss for words.

Blake sighed, "Don't make me go through this again right now. I'll explain later, but for now, let's go find this girl and catch our killer."


The truck.

The suspicious grey truck that was parked down the road from Shawn and Blake. The driver watching them patiently as they had their 'moment'. Their stupid and childish moment.

The driver's blood boiled watching that stupid psychic touch Blake the way he did. She was theirs; they deserved her.

They earned her.

And there was nothing that was going to stop them from having her.


Sorry about such a short chapter, it's been a while since I've updated and I wanted to get something out to you all!

I really hope you enjoyed!

- Z Berenson

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2019 ⏰

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