A Knock At Midnight

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Hello fellow wattpaders. I have posted this new story and hope you guys love it as much as you love my other books. This is actually one of the first full novel's I've finished and had it stored in the long ago files of my computer and recently decided to dust it off. Let me know what you think.

Happy Reading.

NJ Kuhr


There was a bottle of eighteen year old Glenfiddich and two crystal glasses in the bottom drawer of large cherry wood executive desk. The desk wasn't one of those overcompensating numbers intended to intimidate and overwhelm by making people feel small. It was a desk for someone with taste and purchased with a purpose in mind. It was practical, meant for working long hours and having everything needed within reach. A lot of thought went into this desk. It wasn't glanced over and considered favorable over a few other options and bought the same day. Weeks and months went into finding just the right fit, look and function. It was custom made, designed specifically and created affectionately by expert hands. There were drawers for files, drawers for standard office supplies, there were hidden slots for secrets and special accents blending into the designs and details the human eye would glance over unaware. Everything had a home and a place. There wasn't one aspect of the desk that wasn't utilized or was wasted. After all, important tasks and works were completed on its shinny surface. The desk, itself, needed to reflect its purpose. It was the focal point for the entire space.

    Behind the desk a pair of black Gucci pumps placed side by side on the floor ready to support the weight of their owner. On an antique coat rack near the door hung a vintage trench coat and a matching umbrella. Exposed brick arched above four large windows that spanned floor to ceiling overlooking Central Park. It was dark outside but they let in plenty of city light. Only the accent lighting built into the crown molding above was turned on. The subtle elegant glow illuminating the office. The room wasn't huge but a little bigger than was truly necessary. It originally had been two separate smaller rooms but the adjoining wall had been torn down to accommodate a more spacious layout.

    The back wall behind the desk was all built in shelves. A-symmetrical lines and shapes to give it an artistic flare, a patternless pattern, alluringly simple and yet, somehow, elaborate at the same time. Every shelf was stuffed to overflowing. There was a full collection of law books, as well as a substantial selection of texts and research manuscripts that were organized and ready for use. Many clearly well used and cared for. Assorted here and there were rare and priceless antiquities from all over the world; an authentic Greek vase, a statue from the Ming dynasty. There was an American Indian buffalo knife displayed on a stand. Treasured pieces of history and cultures enclosed in protective cases, strategically displayed to complement each other, scattered among the books that still managed to single them out.

    Hanging on the opposing wall facing the room was a metal silhouette of the world created by a friend and well known artist. It was large enough to fill the space without having to add anything else. It held its own. Each country flawlessly carved out in a way that made it appear antique and modern at the same time. Sitting below was a worn brown leather sofa. The cushions overstuffed. Just enough to make it extremely comfortable but happened to fit in with everything else in the room. Side tables on either end held more manuscripts and tombs in strange languages.

The sofa and tables were the only items visible from the French doors in the corner. The only way to be able to see the entirety of the office, including the desk, was to step into the room. It was strategic, the office was at the end of the hall and the single remaining entry after the remodel was at the far end. If a costumer walked up to the doors they would have to step into the room to spy and therefor defeated the purpose. No one could watch through the doors without being seen immediately. The entry was a dark rich wood matching the desk and the end tables, with bullet proof stained glass. It gave the illusion that they were see through but there were not.

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