Unwilling Allies

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It has been a month now and I still can not follow anyone. People are following me but I can't follow them back. ARRRGGGGHH. This is so frustrating. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Happy Reading.

NJ Kuhr


No one responded or said anything. They stared at her, some in mild confusion but most of them made her feel like a circus animal trained to do human tricks. "I investigated the possible forms of disguising magic. I came to conclusion that a charm would be the best option. It's only commonly used by Witches so not something Warlocks would consider immediately. I also eliminated the possibility of a spell. The Warlock or Witch has to be present to cast a spell. If the Circle hadn't discovered the perpetrator then he had to be rejoining the Circle, so no spells. Cloaking runes require multiple conjurers so that was also eliminated. I gave Oliver a profile and continued to investigate. I used resources and my own skills to track the purchases of ingredients for the charm I believe most accurate. I was able to locate the sales of largely concentrated moonstones dating back to over two years ago, possible older. According to many of the vendors I questioned, a high ranking Warlock was purchasing the stones at twice the going rate. I didn't get a name or identity. He used a powerful glamour and a fake ID."

            They had all listened to her every word without interruption. She had stated everything like it was a report, leaving out the fact that Oliver had hired her. She deliberately only gave them the information pertaining to the charm and that alone. Oliver caught a glance from Marcus and they both turned back to Reagan. Sealey had looked from Reagan to Oliver and back to Reagan rather quickly having filled in the holes she left out.

            Phillip turned a rather green color and didn't appear to be breathing. Lucas was looking around to Marcus, Christian and Sealey waiting for one of them to come to a decision. Peter had a blank controlled expression and was just staring at Reagan. She had a sudden flashback to his hands around her neck. Unbeknownst to her she had lifted her own hand to her throat and had placed it protectively over her over her windpipe. A reflex that Oliver noticed but no one else.

            Before anyone could force her to answer more questions he spoke out for the first time in what felt like hours, although it was merely a few seconds of astounded awkwardness. "Reagan gave me the report and I had to agree it made sense. Whoever betrayed us knows exactly how we think and what conclusions we would have come to. He would have anticipated this and chosen to use means foreign to us in an attempt to deceive us."

            It worked momentarily. Sealey and Peter had both continued appraising stares at Reagan considering her role. The others had turned their attention back to Oliver, Reagan haven been successfully forgotten by most of them. Marcus was the only one who appeared to be deliberately avoiding looking at Reagan. As if he was aware of her location in his peripheral vision but refused to look at her directly. Oliver was attempting to do the same thing, pull everyone's focus away from her once more.

            Sealey turned back to Oliver also trying to avoid drawing more attention back to Reagan. She wandered if there was some sort of Warlock ESP that they could use to communicate without saying anything. She got the feeling Sealey and Marcus were well informed when it came to her involvement although Oliver hadn't explained anything to them. All three of them seemed to be on the same mission, to keep everyone's focus on the thief and to avoid drawing anyone's thoughts towards her. Paranoid much! She chastised herself. She told herself they probably just knew each other very very well. Considering the years they spent together it wasn't a hard deduction that maybe they just knew how to read one other and had developed some form of gestures and had similar thought patterns.

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