Grand Entrances

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AHHHHHHHH. So much is happening.

Happy Reading!!!!



"James." Sealey stepped forward. "If he succeeds in turning us against each other there will be no one to stop him from starting a war with the humans. It will be a genocide."

"Oh, it's too late for that, Sealey." James snapped. "You've gone too far brother, bringing them into this."

Marcus held his hand out to Sealey as if to hold him back. "Who are you talking about? Who did you see? This is all that is left of the Order. We are all here, everyone."

James glared at Marcus. "Don't play coy with me. You have already started the war, we've come here to stop you. The wolves can be dealt with later."

Oliver didn't like the sound of that. "Wolves, James? Now who is being coy?" He said hoping James was being rhetorical.

James eyebrows furrowed in anger. "They're surrounding the library as we speak. Your sentries were easy to spot but they can't get through the gate. What was your plan? Have them attack us before we could even get in? Ambush us while you stole the magic from our fallen comrades?"

"The Lycons are our allies, allies to the entire Order." Sealey argued.

"Not Lycons." Travis was standing behind James; complete and utter disgust in his tone. He was one of the biggest built members, with a crew cut and wide set shoulders. His heavy eyebrows shadowed his eyes and a jawline that made people think twice about throwing punches. "Werewolves."

James studied their reactions, "You truly didn't know." He tone utter disbelief but he could see it on their faces.

"Werewolves." Sealey spat credulously. "Werewolves know better than to step near the city. They couldn't have made it this close to the Alter without being detected."

Travis bunched his eyebrows together. "Not if someone was helping them out."

Peter hissed in Oliver's ear when he took a step forward. "We can't trust them. This is a trap."

Oliver didn't turn to look at him but only shook in his head in disagreement and continued moving forward. Everyone was studying each other, looking for any tell-tale sign that they were being deceived.

"Then we need to work together now more than ever." Oliver said to the collective, placing himself between both opposing sides. "The only thing stopping those werewolves from rampaging through the city is us uniting together. We didn't before and he nearly got away with it. We have already lost five of us because of this treachery. How many more do we need to lose before we come to our senses?" Oliver could feel it. Travis and James were beginning to listen to them. They seemed to have already considered that option. Oliver just saying it out loud made it more real. Others were starting to question things but before he could begin to relax a blazing heat seared passed his head.

He saw James duck and the spell ricocheted off the smoke and disappeared into the glow. There was a pause as everyone looked at each other, shocked and outraged. The alter erupted like canon fire. Before Oliver could realize what was happening he was tackled to the ground. Instinct kicked in and he hit the floor rolling. Peter was on top of him pinning him down.

He could hear Marcus and Sealey in the background cursing and trying to regain some semblance of control but spells, curses and hexes were flying everywhere.

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