Subterfuge And Its Many Uses

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Sorry everyone, I thought I had it publish on this but I had only saved it.

Happy Reading.

NJ Kuhr


The next few days didn't lead to many results. She had compiled a list of ingredients and items needed to conceal something as powerful as the Amethyst. She hadn't told her associates what was going on. At this point they didn't really question her motives anymore. She was known for asking odd questions. She went about her work as normal. Just asking around, popping in here and there to see how things were going, make random inquiries. Some places she went for gossip other places she asked about ingredients.

She didn't tell any of the vendors the same items. Especially the rare ones. She didn't want word getting around she was looking to make a concealment charm so she tossed in a few other ingredients to indicate other spells and potions. Unfortunately, she had the sneaking suspicion that the thief had done the same thing. Her contacts were used to it, even when she wasn't on a case she might stop by and ask around; always curious, always learning or studying something. They stopped wondering what was behind her inquiries a long time ago. She knew part of it was being over cautious but she also knew it was a good way to protect herself and the people she worked with.

A spell wouldn't work she had decided. The caster would have to keep the spell going twenty-four seven. That prevented them from returning to the Circle and concealing their crime. The majority of spells were quick or short lived, they were conjured for immediate results and never intended to be permanent. A charm was the best choice and it would throw off the Circle. Charms were beneath Warlocks. Such magic was used by lesser beings, Witches and so forth. They probably wouldn't even consider it. They had other ways to protect and hide items. Witches used charms because they can't produce a spell that could shield anything without the use of ingredients and talismans. Charms were earthbound magic, something Warlocks believes to be inferior magic.

Warlocks could produce shields and wards without the use of objects. The downside is other Warlocks can sense Warlock magic. It left a type of scent and each one unique to the caster. The Warlocks could track that kind of magic, they couldn't break the spell but they could identify who cast it. Being earthbound charms don't project the essence or scent of the caster, they give off earths magic. Something Warlocks tended to disregard. Which only made Reagan more confident that's what he used to hide it from them.

Reagan had hit the streets for two days and had come up with nothing. She had caught onto the trail though but she didn't like where it was going.
(⬇️ this is Sophia)

    Sophia, a former client, had hired Reagan to negotiate a truce between her and another Coven member

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Sophia, a former client, had hired Reagan to negotiate a truce between her and another Coven member. She had used a cloaking charm to protect her amulet believing it would be attacked and her powers lost. Amulets are family heirlooms; passed down to each generation of Witches. Without it, a Witch could steal another Witch's powers. They were heavily protected and rarely removed.

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