Cruelty and Spite

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Without hesitation the Order stood shoulder to shoulder ready to fight and the wolves charged in like a stampede. A wolf in full form bounded strait for Oliver. He managed the energy for a curse just in time, hitting the wolf square in the chest as it leaped. It crashed to the ground lifeless but its momentum sent the dead form sliding into Oliver and knocking him down just as another wolf leaped passed him heading for Travis. In seconds they were all interlocked into their own fight, each defending themselves and each other from the onslaught.

            Pulling himself out from under the dead man, having transformed back into human form after he had died, Oliver looked around for Peter. There were wolves everywhere. His comrades might be out numbered but they were vastly more capable. Spells were ricocheting off of the floor and the alter stand. Snarls and barks echoed off of every surface. The pentagram had cracked under the weight of so many wolves. Oliver managed to catch a werewolf still in human form sneaking up behind James, who was focused on fending off a red brown wolf. James formed a protected shield and the wolf bounced off the surface, incapacitating it momentarily just as Oliver threw the first spell he could think of at the man stalking James. The man collapsed just as James turned to block the knife in his hands.

            Catching Oliver's eye, James nodded in appreciation and turned his attention back to the wolf before it could regain his attack. Sealey was taking on two at once but he was managing on his own. Phillip was cornered by the man he was fighting but was struggling, hand to hand combat wasn't exactly a Warlocks strong suit. Oliver did his best to help those who he thought would need it first and dispatched of as many wolves as he could.

            An explosion blasted through the room, knocking them all off balance. The closest ones to the blast were thrown completely, twisting through the air before crashing into the floor. A curse had missed its target, ricocheted off the smoke and hit a symbol carved into the alter near Oliver's feet. The force of the blast sending him hurtling into the air and out through the gate, slamming into the concrete roof of the library. Oliver shook off the effects of the explosion and looked around him. More wolves were waiting outside, ready to attack anyone who ran out.

They stalked towards him. Nearly a dozen ready to strike. The closest one was on his left and was the first to move. It leaped at him. Jaws stretched revealing gnarled fangs. He stepped nearly out of its reach and called upon the fire to send a spell into the pit of the wolf's stomach.

            He braced himself for the next attack, managed to hex two before a third got within reaching distance and clawed at his chest. Its paw grazed his ribs sending searing pain from his burn throughout his system. He fell to his knee screaming out and felt blood drip down his stomach. A spell whizzed over his head like a firework, hitting the closest werewolf square in the face.

Turning to see his comrade in arms, he found the Coven instead. A formidable group of Witches on the adjoining rooftop battle ready and springing into action they forced the remaining wolves back away from the gate. He caught sight of a tall redhead and recognized Sophia, who nodded at him in acknowledgement and turned towards her adversary. Sending the wolf flying over the side of the building; wasting no time she picked her next target and charged him.

Marcus came sprinting through the gate. He had seen Oliver hurtled through and came to his aid when Oliver didn't come back. Seeing Oliver fighting the advances of more wolves Marcus altered his course and guarded the gate trying to keep as many of them back as possible. A wolf had climbed onto the glass terrace and was about to spring on him from above when Sophia stepped in the way and put the wolf down with one well aimed hex. The wolf crashed into the roof causing the entire building to shake. Flashes of light and bursts of magic danced in the sky above the city, reflecting off the surrounding buildings.

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