Such A Glamourous Job

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NJ Kuhr



Reagan spent the next few weeks checking in with her sources. She had heard, "A buddy of mine knows a guy who knows a guy" so many times she thought she might scream. Oliver wasn't answering her calls. Asshole!

She was stomping through a street market trying to find some goblin who went by the name Earl. Even the name made her sneer. Oliver owes me two more questions and he's just going to leave me hanging because he can't handle the truth.

She replayed the voices from A Few Good Men in her head. I want the truth! You can't handle the truth! It didn't cheer her up like her usually internal commentary did, so instead she stomped through the rain. Taking out her aggression on pour defenseless puddles with no way to run.

She had dropped the goblins name around and was told he could be found in China Town hawking mermaid tears. She suspected those so called tears were actually sewer water but if someone was willing to fall for that load of b.s. she wasn't going to stop them. Served them right. Besides, anyone seeking out mermaid tears in some back alley transaction wasn't up to anything good let them waste their time and money.

She had left her umbrella in the office, as always, which wasn't improving her mood. She was dripping with rain water as she made her way down the familiar streets, cutting an angry path through the sludge. She had resorted to tying her hair back in a wet messy bun that was going to be hell untangling later. Her boots were covered in mud, she was glad she at least had the foresight not to wear her good boots this morning. She decided to stop and grab an egg roll at one of her favorite food carts.

She ducked under an awning and was taking her first bite when she saw a short man yell at a someone for nearly running him over. The man had to be under five feet. He was wearing a brimmed hat and a trench coat that nearly reached the ground. She focused her eyes, she couldn't see his face but when he gave the strangers back a very rude hand gesture she saw all she needed to see. That was a goblin.

Keeping an eye on his progress she stuffed the rest of the egg roll into her mouth, inhaling through gritted teeth to cool it off before it burned her tongue, and followed his direction from the opposite side of the street. When it didn't look like he was going to be dropping into a store any time soon Reagan checked the street behind her and when the coast was clear sprinted across. She had timed it just right to be a few footsteps behind him when the soles of her shoes landing on the concrete. It only took a few steps to gain the last couple feet.

"Hey Earl." She said as she came up beside him. The goblin made to side step around her and make a break for it down an alley but she was too fast for him. Grabbing him by the jacket she steered him into the alley he tried to escape to using his own momentum to help her corner him, she pinned him against the wall. "Look I'm not interested in those mermaid tears alright. I'm not here to bust you. Just have some questions."

She avoided touching his skin, not because it would do anything to her, but goblin skin grossed her out. His skin was scaly and cracked and although she knew otherwise, it always felt contagious. She had a good grip on his collar so he wasn't going anywhere. "I heard you got your hands on a moonstone a while back. A heavy one."

The goblin struggled against her and snarled. "Don't got it no more lady. Sold it."

"Sold it to whom?" She asked digging her knuckles into his chest.

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