So Much For Discretion

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The next morning dawned brightly. Oliver woke up before Reagan, rolling over to look at her he noticed her neck was still bruised. The anger towards Peter stirred again but he resigned himself to deal with it later. He placed his fingers gently on her skin and mumbled under his breath.

Feeling the warmth and tingling sensation of the healing spell Reagan began to stir. When she opened her eyes Oliver was lying beside her staring at her. She shifted her shoulders so she could move closer to him and nuzzled her face into his chest. He kissed the top of her head.

After a moment she asked, "How long do you think until the others arrive?"

"Not long enough," He responded regrettably, running his fingers through her hair, "if they haven't been able to heal themselves or find help by now I don't think they could have survived their injuries."

She could hear the emotions in his voice. Leaning up slightly so she could kiss him, "I'm so sorry." She pulled back to examine his face before kissing him again. He deepened the kiss, dragging it out longer before resting his forehead against hers.

"I know." He rubbed her shoulders before adjusting both their weight so he could sit up. "Shall we find us some breakfast."

She looked down at her clothes, "Are we going to eat with the others again."

"Yes," He was a little reluctant to change her clothes again, he liked what he saw. "But not looking like that." He didn't want anyone else to see her like this. Frankly, he didn't want anyone looking at her at all. He reached down to help her off the bed and they were both suddenly in jeans and t-shirts and, once again, the just showered clean feeling washed over her. She looked forward to the day she could enjoy a shower.

"This is very convenient and all but when we have the time I'm going to get you naked in a real shower with me, all wet and sudsy." She grinned suggestively at him

He smiled down at her. "I look forward to the day." regretting having to force the arousal her words had inspired away but people were waiting for them. He felt rather than heard Marcus requesting their presence.

Enfolding her in his arms he blinked them away. They had arrived back at the first cabin. Marcus and the others were in the front room. The cots had disappeared and a kitchen table was loaded down with all manner of breakfast foods.

Those who were hungriest had already helped themselves. Marcus was discussing something with Peter by the fireplace and Phillip looked considerably better. He was working on what had to be his second plate of food, or maybe it was his third, and he was helping himself. He looked up and caught Reagan assessing his condition.

"Am I fit up to your standards?" he asked smiling at her.

"Mmm," She smiled back at him, "you appear to be on the mend. Doesn't look like you will be needing my remedies any time soon."

He smiled, "Let's hope not." She took a seat at the table and helped herself to a waffle when he shook his head and made her laugh when he dove into his plate with the enthusiastic appetite of the healthy. Oliver placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed thanking her wordlessly before he grabbed a handful of grapes. Walking over to Marcus he popped a few into his mouth.

Neither Peter or Marcus stopped their discussion on his approach both just nodded at him and continued.

"Sealey arrived, he's walking through the boundaries as we speak." Marcus updated him.

"He might have some information but what we really need to decide is what we're going to do next." Peter continued as if Oliver had been present throughout their entire discussion. "You can guarantee that James has a plan. If not already acting on it." It seemed he had already expressed his suspensions to Marcus and was hoping Oliver would agree with him.

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