How To Act The 1920's Housewife

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I've decided to give you guys a super long chapter even though I've been trying to be better about keeping my word count to a decent number. Is anyone else having issues with following people on wattpad? for the past two weeks I haven't been able to follow anyone but there are people following me so it's working for some people.

Happy Reading.

NJ Kuhr


She had been boiling the eucalyptus for a few hours, collecting the steam in a disposable coffee filter so she could extract the oils. It was the best she could come up with under short notice and she wasn't about to walk back into that room and ask for more supplies. So she made it work with what was available. While that was collecting, she took apart the poppy roots. She needed to scrap out some of the berberine salt, it was a taxing process.

She was in the first room from earlier. Oliver and the other Warlocks had stayed in the back room. She imagined they were discussing the Amethyst and other Circle related matters she wasn't supposed to know about. It bothered her but there was nothing she could do about it. Warlocks! She was so caught up in her own thoughts she was making hand gestures and occasionally making scoffing noises, mumbling words like conceited, egotistical and barbaric.

Creating a tea that could help Phillip was something she could do so she threw herself into the project. She was trying not to think about how sexist it was that she was in the kitchen and they were talking shop out of hearing. What is this, 1920? But, she knew it had nothing to do with that. Warlocks were only born male and that was the way the world worked. She blamed the y chromosome. Clearly there are a few genetic defects evolution hasn't been capable of ironing out.

She wasn't a member of the inner Circle. They wouldn't have let any other lower ranking Warlock enter their discussion either. She was kept out because of their damn paranoia and twisted code of secrets. Regardless, man hating was helping her feel justified. She was going to make herself useful.

To hell with them, she could do more than warm Oliver's bed and she was going to prove it. It might not be what she was hired for or what she was trained for but she had been the one to decide to keep that between her and Oliver. She couldn't justify being pissed off about it now. Although it did make her feel better. Twice in one day her temper had gotten the better of her. She may have over reacted slightly but she stood by what she said. She knew her fit was a little childish but she was too irritated to care.

She had enough of the berberine salt, she only needed a small amount. Too much would only make him worse. She then turned her attention to the angelica root, crushing it into dust a little more arduously than was needed but taking her anger out on the plant did uplift her spirits considerably. She added the thistle to the angelica powder and carefully broke them open into smaller pieces. She had enough to last a few days. She couldn't tell how sick Phillip was but this should help even the worst of cases.

If not, nothing she knew of was going to be any better. She was going to ask Oliver to cast a Reficiat spell over the tea bags. It worked as a magic antibacterial spell. The Healers could use magic to enhance the remedies but this was the closest she could get on her own. 

She had her tea packets and started dividing the mixture into individual bags. She added a pinch of the yellow salt and a few drops of eucalyptus oil then sealed them. She boiled clean water in a separate pan and poured it into a mug. She let the tea bag seep for a few minutes and then took it into the next room.

The Warlocks stopped talking abruptly when she entered the room. Seriously, could they try to give a little more effort into being subtle. Apparently not. They all stared at her waiting for her to explain why she interrupting them. Except Oliver, who gave her an apologetic expression.

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