21: ⚡Its a crazy multiverse⚡

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As soon as the breach on Earth 13 opened Jesse and Cisco looked around but so far it looked just like their own Earth even with them been from different earths , Cisco looked around and back to Felicity "Ok we are here so where do we start" Felicity smiled at them both "Follow me" She guided them through the city until a hidden alley as she dialed a code in a secret panel the wall moved making an entrance for them to step through "Wow now this is pretty cool, coolest lair entrance I've seen" Jesse said making Cisco feel slightly jealous of the master mind behind it "Yeah well you havent seen the ones I created for other heroe friends of ours" As soon as the door opened they stepped throught and they saw a couple of familiar faces reunited and others not so much . Oliver was the first to step up and approach them "Hey Where you been? . We got worried...And who are this people" Felicity chuckles softly "Guys this are my new friends from another earth Cisco and Jesse . She's a speedster but a good one"

 Oliver looked at them "Wow he looks just as our Oliver is he uptight and overly serious in here as well?" Cisco asked making Felicity laugh but soon she cleared her throat and nodded "Excuse me" Oliver said and Jesse stepped offering her hand "Im Jesse Quick" He took her hand and shook it "Im Oliver Queen but you can call me Torch " Jesse looked at him confused "Torch ?" Oliver snapped hes fingers and hes hand began burning in a constant fire but soonly fainted into the air "AWESOME" Cisco said but soon hes eyes caught a familiar and very missed face , she stepped closer and offered her hand "Im the Archer but you can call me...." Cisco then cut her off "Laurel" She moved her eyebrows a bit surprised yet remained having a soft smile "Im sorry we just had a laurel lance in our Earth" A man then approach Felicity "This is fun and all Boss Lady but remember we have business to discuss"

 "I know Malcom we will handle that with their assistance " Felicity said on a low tone as she looked at him "This is the less social of my team Malcolm Merlin aka Bulleyes, he can shoot anything within any distance ..pretty useful" Felicity said and with that they stepped into the computers a video chat request popped in the screen as Felicity accepted it Mick Rorys face was on the screeen but except the lack of hair and better clothing he looked the same "Miss Smoak a pleasure to see you have safely return " He said as they all looked at the screen "Mr Rory I must ask for your help I've brought a weapon that could help with our current problem but I need it recalibered by our earths vibrations and your satelites" He accepted to help them and soonly hanged up.

Back on their Earth Caitlin was taking off her jewerly with the box still closed on the bed when Barry speed in "You know I could do that for you" He said in a seductive tone making her chuckle softly with a blush through her cheeks "Very smooth, Did you got the knife yet? " He then sat on the bed and noticed the box was still closed "Not yet but I will think of something..........Arent you going to open Felicitys present?" She sigh softly making him notice something was wrong  "Cait?" She looked at him and twisted her lips "Im scared of using this powers Bar...What if I lose control and end up becomming her" Barry took her hand and brough it up towards hes lips placing a soft kiss 

"You are so wonderful , if anyone can handle this is you." She smiled by hes gesture and felt as he had a calming effect on her "You know you are a very brave man risking been with a woman that could freeze you if she gets mad" she joked making him laugh and smiled as he rested hes forehead on hers "Well I guess that I am just a bit mad. Madly in love with you" She smiled and softly pressed her lips against hes , Barry kissed her lips back in a slow tender way breaking the kiss for just a moment to speak "Have I mention whenever I'm with you time slows down" She chuckles softly nodding her head . 

They were laying on the bed while Barry had hes arms wrapped around her and hes hand slowly ran through her hair "I will be here to help you everyway I promise" She reached and opened the box in there she pulled out what it looked like a jewerly set , it was a slave bracelet for each hand with some kind of level control on the back but it was imposible to see it just seemed soo small but as soon as she placed it on her hands her eyes flipped back and forward till they looked cold blue "Caitlin?" Barry asked looking at her she smiled and nodded "Its still me..." She glanced back at the coffee table and shoot some cold fog towards it stopping after a few seconds "I feel so in control" She smiled at him . 

Back on Earth 13 Cisco and Felicity awaited to see Mr Rory for him to give Ciscos tec some final adjustments "So what does Mick Rory do on your Earth?" Felicity asked but in that moment the office door finally opened "Miss Smoak sorry for the delay but It will be done in a few minutes he grabbed the weapon Cisco had made and looked back at him "This one is definitly from another earth " He joked and Cisco faked laugh, in that moment something unexpected happened a window broke into million pieces as Ray Palmers doppelganger entered "So you brought a breacher interesting....." He said before shooting cold stakes their way making Cisco hide as Felicity started battleing him throwing punches and kicks hes way and avoiding hes attacks. 

"You got a new weapon word on the street says handed over KittyKat" Ray Joked making Felicity throw a rougher kick throwing him towards the ground "Lets go , she said Cisco as they both ran towards the lab Mick was working on "We need to go now " He tossed the weapon back at Felicity  "Good luck " Mick said seen them run off , Cisco had wanted to help but in the shock of the moment he just couldnt get a full control of hes powers. Getting on Felicitys car there was in incomming video call at her car "Whats going on Watcher" She asked as Sarah spoke to her "We got a problem Boss, seems Volts is attacking again " She nodded "Heading right there now call Archer to meet me there" Cisco looked at the road "Volts? What kind of a meta name is that?" He asked feeling annoyed by the lack of creativity villains on that earth had "She's just a royal electricity Btch .... She used to be a cop but when the metas started waking she turned into a killer " 

Barry looked at Caitlin as they stepped hand in hand into the station he smiled taking her upstairs to hes lab "Your sure about this?" She asked not so sure using her powers at the station was a good idea , he smield at her "You can do this beautiful " She nodded and soon he speed her into the captains office making her exhale fog into the station just enough to get everyone confused, he then speed into the office and vibrated hes hand towars the lock breaking it enough to pull the knife and take it away. She stood in hes lab where he appeared "How are you feeling'?" He asked as she nodded "Did you get it?" He smiled at her "Yes I did" She smiled at him but he then noticed one of her hairs was white "Cait?" She looked at him "What?" He turned her around to glance in a mirror as she looked confused but it seemed her powers would have an effect on her body no matter if they were controled or controlling.

Soon the car stopped and Cisco saw something he didint expect it was Iris in a tight black suit throwing electricity with what seemed like a wipp . As he mumbled to himself Felicity was out and began fighting her . Cisco decided to interviene this time throwing a blast that sent Iris against a tree , as they were fighting Jesse speed in and surrounded iris with a different wire to keep her powers on the low "How did you?" Cisco asked as Jesse simply smiled "I had a meta like her on my Earth and this is how I stopped her " Felicity and Cisco looked at each other and shrug" Felicity congratulated Jesse for her help and as Laurel arrived at the scene she smiled "Its time to stop this crazyness she was getting ready to point the weapon at the satelite when a portal opened and a man in a mask similar to alchemy showed "Its my world now" He said and in a swift move he had the weapon at hand "Oh come on Julien NOT AGAIN" Cisco said but the man just laughed "Julien? You certainly mistake me breacher im Alchem..." Cisco rolled hes eyes "Dr Alchemy yeah yeah heard it " The man in a mask nodded "Im Alchemias but Dr Alchemy would have been a better choice " In that moment Laurel began shooting arrows hes way that just broke into million pieces before even touching him, Cisco looked around and there it was another stone something was wrong.

⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡TO BE CONTINUED⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡ April 18th⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

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