Epilogue 2: ⚡Always Mine Always Yours❄

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PS: Only for romantic Snowbarry fans <3 

The morning light shine through the window , Caitlin slowly openned her eyes and Barry wasnt beside her so she grabbed her phone and started writting a text for him before she could finish writing and sending a wind speed through the bedroom and when she opened her eyes again there was a card infront of her , she curved a wide smile with a slight blush as she opened the card and saw hes handwritting through the paper "Today is the first day of our greatest adventure , see you at the altar . Love Barry " 

Felicity walked through the bedroom door with a cup of coffee and a bright smile as she was wearing a pink pijamas "Morning Miss soon to be Mrs" She giggled and handled her the cup, Caitlin had almost forgotten Felicity staying over to help her get ready this time she was going to have a very special wedding and it seemed everyone was making sure of it, even her mom had agree to come though she wasnt holding her breath for that but just the fact she said she would meant a lot to Caitlin. "Thanks Felicity , your very sweet" She sat beside Caitlin and hugged her from the side "I dont get to have a lot of girl-friends on this line of work of mine , im happy Ive got you" The girls smiled at each other .

On Cisco's apartment Barry had already speed breakfast when Cisco woke up "Hey...Did you eat breakfast without me?" He said in a tone that sounded almost offended "I hope you aint doing this to Caitlin" Barry turned to Cisco who then laugh "Im kidding man, Its your big day .How you feeling?" He asked as he took a seat beside Barry "Actually I feel very excited . I love Caitlin soo much I cant believe after today I get to call her my wife" Barry had a broad smile across hes face as did Cisco knowing not only was he going to be standing beside hes bestfriend on the most important day of hes life but also he would get to see him marry her other bestfriend. 

The church was beautifully arranged a long walk down the aisle filled with small white petals the bells were ringing and Barry was adjusting hes tie on the altar with Cisco and Oliver standing beside him . The sensations that altar gave them both a sense of what would it feel when they actually got there each with their respective loved ones but this day wasnt about them it was about Caitlin and Barry . 

The guest began arriving the list was initially small but words travelled fast and many of their friends wanted to be there. Sara and the legends couldnt resist it , Amaya been a romantic as she was had wanted to be there to see how two people that worked together and also fought together on this crazy workline they had and still managed to make it work both of them having to deal with powers and saving the city. Mick had jumped to the idea of a party where he would get to eat and drink as pleased inspite he wasnt initially a big friend of Barry with the things he had gone through with Snart and knowing Barry had helped him very deeply he liked Barry. Ray having met the team and been a hopeless romantic was more than happy to get to be in the moment . Nate had never met them before but still wanted to see the event.

Oliver and Felicity hadnt come alone to the wedding either , Dinah , John, Quentin and Curtis had jumped to the oportunity not only to step out of the rutine but also to get to meet the famous Team Flash for some of them for the first time. Felicity was on a smal room in the Church with Caitlin finishing the arange of the veil "OMG you seriously look like you stepped out of heaven Caitlin" She said and was about to hug her when she pulled back "No no...tears..there gonna ruin my make up shoot..."  

She grabbed a tissue and clean under her eyes and her glasses "You ready who's giving you away? I mean your mom is not here ..yet..." She twisted her lips feelingg like she had put the feet on her mouth again " some foot steps sounded approaching and a voice broke the momentery silence "I will if she let me" She smiled with tears fighting to come out seen her mother standing there "Mom" They shared a hug and Felicity mouth a soft awwww before excusing herself and leaving them alone. 

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